“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
Eagles are predators, hunters, at the top of their food chain.
Condors are equally large birds but do not hunt. They don’t need to. They are opportunists,
gatherers who salvage life from death and help complete the circle of life.
The Eagle and the Condor is an ancient Amazon prophecy that speaks of human societies splitting into two paths – that of the Eagle, and that of the Condor. The path of the Condor is the path of heart, of intuition, and of the feminine. The path of the Eagle is the path of the mind, of the industrial, and of the masculine.
The prophecy says that the 1490s would begin a 500 year period during during which the Eagle people would become so powerful that they would virtually drive the Condor people out of existence. This can be seen in the conquering of the Americas and the killing and oppressing of the indigenous peoples in the subsequent 500 years – up to and including today.
Native people speak with the Earth. When consciousness awakens, we can fly high like the eagle, or like the condor...
Ultimately, you know, we are all native, because the word native comes from nature, and we are all parts of Mother nature. She is inside us, and we are inside her. We depend totally on the Earth, the Sun, and the Water. We belong to the evolution of nature in our physical bodies. But we also have a spiritual body that comes from the Sun, not the Sun you can see with two eyes, but another Sun that lies in another dimension, a golden Sun burning with the fire of spiritual light. The inner light of humans emanates from this spiritual source. We came to Earth from this Sun to have experiences on Earth, and eventually we will return to this Sun.
We are Children of the Sun.
The prophecy says that during the next 500-year period, beginning in 1990, the potential would arise for the Eagle and the Condor to come together, to fly in the same sky, and to create a new level of consciousness for humanity. The prophecy only speaks of the potential, so it’s up to us to activate this potential and ensure that a new consciousness is allowed to arise.

Hopi prophecies speak of the return of Pahana, their True White Brother, who left them in ancient times, promising to return. They wear their hair in bangs to form a window, they say, by which to see their Elder Brother when He returns. It is also an identifying mark for the Elder Brother to recognize them.
In 1975 the elders met in Canberra, drawing together over 350 Aboriginal people. They gave a warning of cataclysms to come and told the people to go out and teach their knowledge to the world, to prepare it for a future time when we would go back to our beginnings; when all cultures will exist as one.

This Prophecy was related during the First Encuentro of Indigeneous Peoples in Quito, Ecuador in 1990.
In the unfolding of the life of the Indian Nations, every five centuries produces transformations of both foundations and forms. With these changes, life does not lose its essence. It becomes covered with new skin. The old is rejuvenated. It is nourished with pure energy. This energy Is transmitted by the great spirits of Allpa Mama and Pacha Mama, that Is, of nature and of the Universe, in general.
Thousands of years ago, when life Initiated its vital cycle, Pachakamak (God of Time) created Intl (the sun) and Quilla (the moon) out of the union of it's tears and, thus, gave birth to the Runas, to the people, of this continent Appla-Yala and In this birth emerged the Condor and the Eagle, the Kuntur of Urin and the Anga de Hanan, their spirits continually enriching the veins of the Runas of this continent.
Their strength motivated the north and south to unite. The union of the people of the North with the South also signifies the union of the Condor and the Eagle. The Condor and the Eagle join their tears from Jahanpacha (the sky) to Ucupacha (the underground.) Out of this union sprang Central America. In this piece of earth was concentrated the wisdom of Hana and Urin. New nations developed, whose inhabitants had the capacity to sow the earth In the middle of a great ocean and convert it into what is today Central America.
These peoples, oriented by the laws of Allpa Mana and Pacha Mama, had to pass through difficult situations, one of which was the splitting of its nations into four parts. After this tragedy, the Willak Umus (prophets) instructed their Amautas, Curacas, Arawikus or wise men to create prophecies that would orient and guide our peoples. These prophecies would teach the Indian nations to maintain themselves solid, united and, above all, to search for the most appropriate paths for their liberation.
The beginning of the liberation of the Indian people would be symbolized by different prophecies, one of which Is the union of the tears of the Condor of Urin and the Eagle of Hanan. The union of these tears would cauterize our wounds and fortify our spirit, body and thought. The great spirit would open furrows and in each furrow would water its seed, and In each step would spring battalions of men who would bare their chests to fend off the daggers of the enemy. They would reach out with their hands to erase oppression, exploitation and Injustice, and they would write on the huge page of the sky the sacred word of liberty.
The union of the Condor and Eagle, according to the prophecy, should occur in this time. The ensuing time period will be born with a new spirit. This new spirit will unite once again the red nations of North, Central and South parts of the hemisphere.
It is important to understand the interpretation of the prophecy in order to understand the purpose and scope of the Peace and Dignity Journeys mandate which the intercontinental run is a part.
There are many steps that will and are being taken by our peoples in this time. The Peace and Dignity runs are some of these steps. All steps are part of the Vision, Dreams and Prayer that we are making to carry out the instructions of our ancestors and to fulfill the prophecy by active participation in these steps.
This is the prayer of Peace and Dignity that the Eagle and Condor Confederation be reestablished again.
The Elders of this continent remember and talk about a prophecy that foretold how we will come together and reunite as one. We are like a body that was broken into pieces and this body will come back together to be whole again. They speak about this in the South, Center and North.
Our Elders tell us that we will unite and get our strength back like many arrows that will not be broken. They remember the history to keep the fire alive. We have to come together to be one, to have complete understanding. The main tool used was the arrow because our ancestors all over the continent were hunters. In time they added this arrow to a sacred bow. This bow is used all over this continent and is what we call the half moon. They knew we would be around and this bow would be again in the center, marking the direction that we should take. If we take a step we send this arrow to follow.

Our leaders said that we should not forget to pass this message to our children. We will reunite our family and our people. Their Sun will be a new light. When this is done the people will fulfill their destiny. The pieces will be in place. There is a space for everybody and they will be apart of this prophecy. The majority of our leaders say don't forget to teach our children. All of the last leaders that were in command said to keep the family together. We will be standing in this new design. We will hold this in our home one day. Teach from Father to Son, from Mother to Daughter. It is very simple to understand.