“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
Over 10,000 years ago, the ancestors of Native American tribes began offering stones to the body for wellness. Stone Medicine introduces these ancient traditions using heated and chilled stones, gem and crystal stones, and various animal ‘medicines’ (energies). In ancient times, the hot stones were gathered from sunny river banks and ocean shores. The sun heated basalt was used to soften muscle tissue in combination with the water cooled stones, collected from the river, lake or ocean to reduce swelling and inflammation.
List of Crystals
A list of crystals, their benefits and what the can be used for.
Aegerine- Broken Relationships / Personal strengthen / Psychic attacks
Agate- Helps Stress / Brings out latent Talents / Promotes marital fidelity
Amazonite- Aggravation / soothes nerves/ Enhances communication concerning love
Amber- Helps Choice making / Stimulates intellect /Brings good luck to warriors
Amethyst- Psychic / Meditation / Protects against anger, hate,envy and fear
Ammonite- Foundation / Structure in life / Depression / Relaxation
Apatite- Past life access/ Communication /Teaching /kundalini
Aquamarine- Courage / Mystic / Shields the aura
Aventurine- Anxiety / Fear / Leadership qualities
Azurite- Understanding the Spoken word / Enhances psychic ability
Bloodstone- Strong Healing Stone /Courage / stress / Friendship
Calcite- Channeling / Astral traveling / Arts / Sciences
Carnelian- Family Relationships / Increase physical energy /Protects against envy & fear
Celestite/Celestine- Dream Recall and understanding them / Mind/Intellect / Contains wisdom
Chlorite- Aura Cleanser
Citrine- Brings money / Brings happiness& laughter
Dioptase- Helps Oppressed feeling / Heals the earth / Calming energy
Feldspar- Self Awareness / Helps to find missing items
Fluroite- Brings order to chaos /Strong heal stones /Concentration
Garnet- Kundalini /Stone of health
Gold- Honor and wealth / Helps frustration
Gysum/Desert rose- Luck /Used by native American Indians / For people living in the fast lane
Hematite- The Mind /Endurance / Memory enhancement
Herkimer- Attuning with oneself or another / Inner wisdom
Jade- Dream work / Self Confidence /Inspiration /work in spiritual world
Jasper- Astral work / Protection /Accept responsibility
Kunzite- Removes Obstacles / Makes good pendulum
Kyanite- Brings powerful energy / No cleansing need / Aligns chakras with no effort
Labradorite- Brings Intuition into mental thought for understanding
Lapi lazuli- Awareness / Helps Stargate work
Lepidolite- Helps Adapt to Change / aids business
Magnesite- Promotes dynamic ideas / Eliminates self deceit
Malachite- Helps physical pain / Attains Goals
Moonstone- Working with Universe and universal laws
Obsidan- Grounding / protection / scrying /Mirror magic
Ocean Jasper- Brings out very deep routed emotions
Opal- Brings Beauty,Power and Luck/ promotes happy dreams
Peridot- Regulates life cycles / Provides a shield around the body
Petrified Wood- Worries / Grounding / copping in a crisis/ Understanding Suffering
Pyrite- Protects Against Danger / Enhance memory
Quartz- Amplifies Energy / Gives Clarity / Mother of all stones /energizer
Quartz Aperture- Seer stone past, present, Future
Quartz Barnacle- Meditation/ Family/ Teacher
Quartz Black phantom- Grounding
Quartz Bridge- Metaphysical / Public Speaking
Quartz Carved Natural- Extraterrestrial / Information
Quartz Channeling- Mystic / wisdom
Quartz Chlorite Phantom- One of the most powerful stones in the universe
Quartz Cluster- Purifying Cleansing
Quartz Colored phantom- See index Meaning
Quartz Convoluted- Gaining Universal Energy
Quartz Double Terminated- Protects mental and physical
Quartz Key- Open doors to Knowledge and Wisdom
Quartz Manifestation- Manifesting ones life/ Meditation
Quartz Phantom- See Index Meaning
Quartz Rainbow- Brings Gifts
Quartz Record Keeper- Contains Knowledge and wisdom
Quartz Right Handed- Right Brain
Quartz Sceptre- Power / Emotions
Quartz Self Healed- Self Healing
Quartz Tabby- Activate other crystals
Quartz Transmitter- Transmits energy, Clarity and Knowledge
Quartz Twin- Relationships / soul mate
Quartz Window- Self image
Rhodonite- Activates unconditional Love / Assist achieving potential /Dispel chaos
Rose quartz- Brings Love;Peace and calm / A must stone for everyone
Ruby- Protects Against Nightmares /Stone of nobility /discourages violence
Rutile- Repels Negative energy’s / marriages / relationships
Sapphire- Prosperity / Brings peace of mind
Septerye- Business success / Telepathy / New ideas
Serpentine- Working with Kundalini / chakras
Silver- Improves Speech / Mirrors the soul /Increase perception
Smokey Quartz- Business success /Dissolves negativity / Balances sexual energy
Sodalite- Logical thought / Good for computers / Cellphones
Sugilite- Forgiveness / love stone of new age
Tiger eye- Wealth/Depression/Grounding/All round stone
Topaz- Joy / Creativity / Visualization during mediation
Tourmaline- Strengthen / Projection / Fear /Laughter
Turquoise- Communication / Develops natural powers / grounding stones
Unakite- Helps locate connection between thought and physical illnesses
Verdite- Access information from ancient ones