“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
It would be preposterous to speak of 'Native American Medicine' as if there was a unified system that this term could be applied to across all Native born people, or even among Only native American "Indian" tribes. As of right now, there are More than 250 native American "Indian" tribes federally recognized, and at Least another 100+ that have been "de-tribalized" and then throw in another 100+ that have Yet to EVER attain federal recognition as being tribally bloodline born native American "Indians."
Though many "neighboring" Native American "Indian" tribes do use the same plant medicines as others around them, not All of them necessarily use the Same plants nor in the Same way or Dosage as others.
Another reason is in that each tribe of native born American "Indian" have each their own ways and wisdom teachings, and whether similar or not, each ultimately vary hugely in their traditions from one another's Creed,
That becomes even more apparent when you look at different terrained "Indians", such as southwestern vs plains such as the Sioux...their medical practices and the herbs plants and foods they use Are different and a Big reason for that of course, depends also on their native lands and the plants with which they share it. Same observations can prove true when looking at the Alaskan "Indians" medicines and foods and then compare with the tribes of Mexico or even South America... they may have Some of the same, use them the same way Or different, but too, they will also have plant medicines and food sources that the other's have never seen, tried or even Heard of.
Now if you take a step back and look a little broader, you're gonna come across the infamous "1492"... when the "White Men" came... and with them came new food and plant medicines, as with the Spanish and the Asians too... so in essence, it's ALL interwoven into today's "Native" born "American" culture, society and creed - our way of daily life. You can go to China town in about every major city in America, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco for examples, and buy foods and plants and medicines that are of their cultural traditions... such as ginseng, and you can use it beneficially for an ailment bothering you and it WILL help you the same as it will help the person from which's land it originally came from. And you can go in about every major city and get "Chinese Acupuncture" and find it medicinally beneficial for you too.
Indeed there are numerous plants of both south and North American Native origin that have enriched modern western herbalism and medicine. However, in Native traditions it's not just the plant that makes the medicine, but first and foremost the power of the spirit that governs the plant. A plant as such would be considered useless unless it were gathered and prepared with due respect, prayer and rituals with which the healer seeks the support of the plant spirit to help him affect a cure. Not only western herbalism, but also western medicine is indebted to Native American medicine for many remedies now commonly used.
The key and bottom line fact of reality is that we, as in All living life's species, Are in fact and without Any Doubt INDIGENOUS to the Earth and in turn Connected to ALL of it. Our bodies are made up and sustain life from all the same elementally raised substances that WE are... metals, minerals, vitimins, liquids and so forth. Will the vitamin C in orange juice not ALSO benefit the person in Alaska where Oranges don't grow? Will the Omega's in fish not also benefit the brains of the people who live high upon the mountains far from a fishing hole?
NOW you are starting to SEE the significant Importance of Barter & Trade back through our history upon this land huh - might just a been the only means to get hold of some very Valuable Creator given needed medicines!
When working with the Sacred Medicines, our intent should ALWAYS be as pure as the intent of our selfless Mother, the Earth. She wants only the best for Her Children... ALL of her children what or wherever they may be.
So we teach our members to hold Sacred thoughts of our tribal brothers and sisters; thoughts of Oneness and Healing thoughts; thoughts of Empowerment and Love, when braiding and using Sweetgrass.
Soon All of we and our Nations will be strong again.
It would be preposterous and un-beneficial to speak of our rights to use sacraments as being 'Native American Medicine' as if there was a unified system that this term could be applied to across all Native people, and too, it would be greatly limiting our options and too, our free right to Choose. ALL things of Mother Earth ARE Sacred, and too, they are Ours to choose whether or not we wish to utalize them. For an example, not Everyone likes fish, so those who choose to eat fish attain the Omega's our bodies and brains need, those who don't eat fish, don't and will have to find another source in which to attain the Omega's, such as are Also found in our Mother Medicine cannabis!
Over 2000 medicinal plants were used as natural herbal herbs by the Native American "Indians" in all the different tribes across North America.
Herbal Herbs are natural plant substances used to treat and prevent illness and aid the healing process. In spiritual or medicinal use any of the parts of natural plants might be considered "herbs", including the leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, seed pots, resin, berries, root bark, inner bark and cambium (the green growth layer just next to the bark) or other parts of the plant.
We as native born Americans believe as do our tribal brothers and sisters who Fortunately still maintain Great Creator's Sacred Wisdom including HOW we are to live WITH the earth and All Life upon and within her, which is that natural Herbal Herbs affect the spirit and/or soul of the person in addition to having medicinal benefit to their physical well-being as well.
Spiritual Healing, which includes the use of natural herbal herbs, is undertaken by the Medicine Healer of the church are based on the healing practices and beliefs of Native American Indians. This type of healing combines elements of spirituality, ceremonies and rituals using natural Medicinal Herbal Herbs for healing and cleansing.
Our members may possess and utilize healing and empowering sacraments Including those considered Enthogenic in their unadulterated beings such as Mother Medicine Cannabis, Psilocybin Fungi, Mescalero, Acacia, Grandfather Peyote, San Pedro, Amanita Muscaria, Syrian Rue, Grandmother Ayahuasca, DMT, Iboga, Kambo, Poppies, etc. AS Authorized by our Official Medicine Persons.
The Mescalero people were nomadic hunters and gathers and roamed the Southwest. They were experts in guerrilla warfare and highly skilled horsemen. The women were known for their ability to find and prepare food from many different plant sources. The people were given the name "Mescalero" because they gathered and ate the mescal plant. It was the staple of their diets and could sustain them in good times and bad.
Plant medicines are but One of Many webs that weave into our lives, and our Creed and culture...
ESPECIALLY in today's "America!"
Because we know that learning is a constant thing, including when it comes to the wisdom to be had in regards to the earth and our ability to live With her in honorable and Healthy way, it's important that we emphasize that we are Constantly striving to get and keep all of our pages updated with new and current information. We Welcome HELP in this endeavor.
Below you will find some links to pages we've generated that we think and hope will prove enlightening to you in regards to more of our plant medicines. Also know that our school has classes involving plant medicine wisdom as well, general and specialty!