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 Kautantowit's Mecautea Native American Church is a Matriarchal based spiritual approach to empowering and healing life rather than a doctrinal hierarchy organization. As such, we occupy a unique place among American religious practices. Many of the pages on this site are open to the public and you are welcome to browse and enjoy them. Some of the content is only available to registered members of  Kautantowit's Mecautea Native American Church (KM NAC).


 Membership into Kautantowit Mecautea is considered permanent, meaning that once an individual has been declared an officially adopted member of the KM NAC Church Family, they can only be removed by either their own personal request, or by a serious infraction against the Church's Constitution or Moral Compass Ethical Code of Conduct. 


Official "Adoption" in Kautantowit Mecautea American Native Church (KM ANC) is known as "Making Relations" or "Spiritual Adoption" and is an ancient religious practice that should be taken seriously as we as KM do. All adopted members are deemed "Apprentices" in Native American Culture and Creed. Please read more here:


If you desire to be blessed by having access to Native American Tribal Ceremonies and unadulterated Medicines for spiritual, religious and or medicinal purpose, you may want to consider joining the KM NAC family and connecting with our spiritual leaders and apprentices today.


 To walk with nature and feel the life-energy that permeates all things animate and inanimate is where we will find our greatest joy and ultimate purpose.


 Attending Earth Based Indigenous American Native Spiritually Empowering and Healing Ceremonies – especially Native American Church indigenous ceremonies that involve sacred wisdom and medicines that are otherwise illegal for Non-Members to partake and or be in possession of.



 Those who choose to join Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church (KM ANC) are essentially standing up for their Creator Given as well as your Constitutional and International Rights to Choose, Believe, Participate in and to Live as well as to Practice your right to exist upon our Mother Earth, period.


 YOU have the RIGHT to Choose whether or not to be part of, and even coordinate and conduct indigenous, earth-based, empowering, healing ceremonies as well as to have and use All freely given gifts from Mother Earth and Father Sky.


 You may join  our tribal organization by simply requesting by your own free will, consideration for an apprentice adoption membership in Any independent child church accepting members into their church or directly from Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church. 


 Additional options encouraged for your consideration include acquiring an officially issued American Native Church Membership card into one of the following two ANC options Kautantowit's Mecautea exclusively has to offer our KM tribal family members.:


1. Kautantowit Mecautea American Native Church official BASIC membership card.

A KM ANC BASIC Membership Card is documented evidence that our Membership Card holder has a proven sincerity standard (level) that qualifies he or she for all exceptions to the controlled substance laws of the United States, providing they are not in violation of any aspect of Kautantowit Mecautea American Native Church KM Moral Compass Code of Ethical Conduct.


Please note that these ID cards do NOT reflect expiration date nor other personal information that would ualify it to be a legal form of alternate id  if you're seeking such please see our DELUXE member ID card option which is immediately listed below. Because these aren't, but yet still do cost us to generate and get To you, we ask for a $10.00 contribution to cover such cost.


Remember, unlike most churches of our kind, KM membership IS completely FREE from a price tag  - and too, that membership cards are NOT Mandated but a choice option that Does bring about extra benefit opportunities exclusively for those of you who get one  we Try to make it worth your while to support us as we strive to benefit you our beloved members such as with events, ceremonies and too in the KM's Den as well.


2. Kautantowit's Mecautea American Native Church official DELUXE membership card. A KM ANC Membership Card is not only official documented evidence that you are a member in Good Standing but also too it is considered as a Legal Alternative Identification card in circumstances when a second official ID card is necessary such as banks, even with DMV! These membership ID's do have an expiration date so to meet the legal standard as an alternative form of identification and have more personalized information about the member on them than do the Basic KM ID cards. These we ask for a  $25.00 contribution ($20.00 for Seniors, Military Veterans and federally recognized tribal members).



 The heart of Kautantowit's Mecautea entire tree system of existence ultimately relies and depends upon YOU, our members... it is individually that collectively we are able to stand Together and preserve not only our individual and collective right, liberties and freedoms, but too, our Creator given rights to be.


 We and do believe this is an honorable position overall, especially beings we Are expected and obligated to "record" if we are to attempt to "Protect you" should your individual rights liberties and freedoms be called into question by they on the opposite wall of our division between Church and State as we are.


 We do Highly Encourage all our members to strive for at Least the official adoption of our Mother Church meaning that you will then gain full access and privilege into the whole of our KM American Native Church Including the welcoming of confederated churches ceremonies and gatherings as well as Exclusive benefit offerings from those KM have association with as presented to us to pass along to you our members! 



 Please note that these cards will be issued in accordance with KM  policies and bylaws including the commitment of the applicant to abide by the KM Moral Compass Code of Ethical Conduct, as applicable and that violation of the Codes of Ethics could result in detrimental  consequence upon the members standing with the church and ultimately could include expulsion from KM upon completion of the level of whole sincerity By Kautantowit's Mecautea Directly, and that all of your token offerings will be collected directly by us accordingly.

Km's Moral Compass
ONAC Code of Ethics

Now is the time, and on this the land now proclaimed as "The UNITED States" of North America... this right here IS the place brothers and sisters, young ones and elders, and it's not just because it's for the good of ourselves or our future generations to hopefully come and flourish the lands happy healthy and Plentifully, but too, it's for all life upon Mother Globe including she her very self. If we allow the oppressor to continue to cut down all the trees until there ain't none left, and too, we let him continue to target and even Toxify our plants, how will our children and grandchildren Breathe... without the species of living Beings that produce the oxygen needed To breathe?!


 Now let's look at beyond OUR species of being and wonder at what THEY will do without the oxygenated air that They and their off-spring will need if They are to be able to live too. Wow, what a broader and clearer picture when one becomes spiritually prompted to look and comprehend the reality that lyes just beyond the confines of their "Box" now doesn't it...


 That right there is EXACTLY what Mecautea strives to be sure that we do - consciously awake and enlighten as well as defend in effort of supporting and preserving such basic fundamental Reality!  Now you are beginning to concept and fathom the perspective and view on all of this from closer to Creator... congratulations to you for accomplishing such an Honorable achievement! 


 Creator knows and see's all, why, because Creator is the mother Of All, is that Not what All religion I don't Care the denomination continue to try and Emphasize this.  Creator created creation, and all created as it was created was  declared Good as so created by Great Creator... therefore confirming that Nothing IS an Accident when it comes to the creation created by Creator... if Anything, it's the creation of we the human being whose creations ultimately are throwing all out of whack more than any.


 We do not see other species of beings creating nor operating things such as drills and explosives to take away from the earth, or building ANY sort of contraptions such as bombs, toxic chemicals or pipelines and such, Do You?


 Yet the things our species builds and creates, look at all the ill adverse consequence, not just on our selves and our species future generations, but look at that our consequences infringe, harm and even literally so carelessly Endanger as we continue to use our pesticides, destroy our native lands own mother, our species playing the role of Creator who dictates and decides, all the while feeding in attempt to ensure our ultimate destruction, not only ourselves as the fellow human being species here, I'm talking about the overall Global perspective


 We cannot achieve the victory in this alone, we need you our members and supporters if there's Any Hope of our having any real shot at All about accomplishing this, and that bottom line straight forward most basic facts of our reality alone, nor just for ourselves and our species and relations... we must rise up and defend the Whole of mother earth and for all upon and the sake's of other earth too... they all cry out to us in their own ways,,, we just haven't been listening nor had the resource to learn what they're literally BEGGING us. 

Taûbotne anawáyean

I thank you for that.

© 2013-2016 ONAC KM of Oregon. Proudly created with

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