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Bird Feather Medicine

  A feather isn’t just something that falls out of a bird, it means much more.  The feather symbolizes trust, honor, strength, wisdom, power, freedom and many more things. To be given one of these is to be hand picked out of the rest of the men or women in the tribe - it’s like getting a gift from a high official.


​Feathers are a sign from the Angelic and Spirit realm, to let us know that they are always taking care. It is a message from the Angels or a loved one that they are always near and they have got your back. It could also be an acknowledgement to your thought or an answer, it might as well be a simple 'Hello!' from them. Cute, isn't it?

The use of feathers in animistic indigenous and aboriginal cultures dates as far back as humans can trace their existence on this planet. Animism is the oldest known type of belief system in the world and is closely tied to the spiritual practices that different societies around the world practiced. 

animism is a world-view according to which all things – animals, plants, rivers, weather systems, even spoken words, buildings and other structures as well as certain artifacts – are experienced as animate and alive. It is sometimes described as a “religious”, or more accurately spiritual, belief that various objects, places, creatures and other livings forms possess distinctive spiritual qualities.

When you look at a feather, you will notice that there is a shaft running up the center of it vertically (the white part that looks like a stalk) . Well this shaft is hollow - so the  idea is that the person's prayers go upwards through the hollow shaft to the Creator - and then his blessings come back down to you through the same orifice, which acts as a channel.

​Feathers, with their connection to wings as a spiritual metaphor, represent a  strong celestial connection to the Heavenly realms, as well as love, truth, protection, new beginnings and rebirth. 

When a feather was found, Native Americans believed it carried all the energy of the living bird. Feathers could simply come loose from a bird flying overhead and slowly drift to the ground. They were sometimes found stuck in trees and other vegetation. They could be washed ashore in rivers, lakes and oceans. However feathers could be found in nature, they were always appreciated, revered, highly valued and thought to be gifts from the Creator. Feathers may arrive via unexpected means, but always had an assigned purpose and meaning.

When a feather actually lands at your feet, it is traditionally seen as a positive omen that your calls have been heard and answered. But generally speaking, when you find a feather in a magical way, Spirit is communicating with you and showing you their support and guidance. It is a mark or trace from the higher realms, a physical sign to express to you that your higher consciousness is connected and co-creating with the universal mind of Spirit. 

Feathers represent freedom, they represent flight and caring from heaven above. They mean moving beyond you set beliefs and boundaries, they tell you to go limitless and boundless in your thought process. Also, different colours of the feather have different meanings and later we will delve into the meanings of them all.

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a bluebird symbolizes happiness and fulfilment

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a crow symbolizes balance, release from
past beliefs, skill and cunning

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a dove symbolizes love, gentleness and kindness

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from an eagle symbolizes great strength, courage leadership and prestige. The bald eagle and the golden eagle were considered sacred birds

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a falcon symbolizes soul healing, speed and movement


Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a hawk symbolizes guardianship, strength
and far-sightedness

Meaning of the Feather of the:
 A feather from a heron symbolizes patience, grace and confidence

Meaning of the Feather of the:
 A feather from the hummingbird symbolizes love, beauty, intelligence - A Spirit Messenger and Stopper of Time

Meaning of the Feather of the:
 A feather from a kingfisher symbolizes luck, patience, speed and agility

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a owl symbolizes wisdom, the ability to see things normally, a creature of the night - silent and swift,

Meaning of the Feather of the:
 A feather from a raven symbolizes creation & knowledge - the Bringer of the Light

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a Swallow symbolizes peace and love

Meaning of the Feather of the:
 A feather from a turkey symbolizes abundance, pride
and fertility

Meaning of the Feather of the:
 A feather from a Woodpecker symbolizes self discovery

Meaning of Feathers of the:
 A feather from a Wren symbolizes protection

The meaning of birds and their feathers are of great significance, as they are believed to possess supernatural powers that embody, attach and influence a person empowering them with important traits, attributes and characteristics of the bird. The following partial list of birds describes the meanings of their feathers, providing information of the significance of each bird together with its symbolic importance.


· Bluebird: A feather from a bluebird symbolized happiness and fulfilment.


· Crow: A feather from a crow symbolizes balance, release from past beliefs, skill and cunning.


· Dove: A feather from a dove symbolizes love, gentleness and kindness.


· Eagle: A feather from an eagle symbolizes great strength, courage, leadership and prestige. The Bald Eagle and the Golden Eagle were considered sacred birds.


· Falcon: A feather from a falcon symbolizes soul healing, speed and movement.


· Hawk: A feather from a hawk symbolizes guardianship, strength and far-sightedness.


· Heron/Crane: A feather from a heron or crane symbolizes patience, grace and confidence.


· Hummingbird: A feather from a hummingbird symbolizes love, beauty and intelligence. Hummingbirds are considered Spirit Messengers and Stoppers of Time.


· Kingfisher: A feather from a kingfisher symbolizes luck, patience, speed and agility.


· Owl: A feather from an owl symbolizes wisdom, the ability to see things normally, a creature of the night – swift and silent.


· Raven: A feather from a raven symbolizes creation and knowledge – the Bringer of the Light.


· Swallow: A feather from a swallow symbolizes peace and love.


· Turkey: A feather from a turkey symbolizes abundance, pride and fertility.


· Woodpecker: A feather from a woodpecker symbolizes self-discovery.


· Wren: A feather from a wren symbolizes protection.

Feathers as Messengers

Feathers can be understood to be important to the spirituality of those who use, revere, and value them as natural “bridges” to the spiritual world of their ancestors and/or a means of “communication” between themselves, the Creator and their spiritual world. Feathers embody the spiritual ideal that all natural things in the universe have souls or spirits that are alive and possess an inherent virtue, power and wisdom – unique to each entity. Simply put, feathers are believed to be messengers between the Creator and the people.

Feathers as Symbols

Birds in general, and certain species in particular, signify important meanings and relationships with those who know them. The feather of any bird symbolizes that species of bird and its relationship to the society or tribe that understands it and honors it as important, even essential, to living a complete life. Feathers signify personal honor and connect the owner/wearer with the Creator and the bird species that the feather came from as well as the symbology that represents that species of bird.

Particular species of birds were of special significance for individual tribes and clans. Feathers of birds became symbols of all the attributes attached to those birds and were believed to be messengers between the Creator and the People, both back and forth. 

There are individual types of birds that give us medicine. Their medicines usually come through the usage of their feathers, rather than their songs or behaviors.

Warrior Birds
These birds are generally birds of prey such as eagle, owl, and hawk. Eagle takes our prayers and thoughts up to the higher realms where the "helper" spirits live and also is great protection. Hawks deal more with the earthly realms in areas such as food and shelter. Owls are not just messengers, they have healing ability in their talons, and they guard us.

Symbols of Power

Feathers were also used as an integral component in a warrior’s clothing and implements of war. Spears and arrows featured feathers for practical and spiritual purposes. Similarly, feathers were used in the construction of battle clubs and tomahawks. While various tribes preferred feathers from certain bird species, especially prized were feathers from eagles, crows, ravens, hawks and other raptors and cranes. These feathers held a certain reverence and respect for the warriors who used and identified with them. So, particular feathers were used for specific purposes throughout the nation. In some cases, feathers of local birds with restricted ranges were also used to identify tribes and their home locations.

Song birds
These are the birds that give us songs and enhance our voices with power to heal and strengthen the people. Some of these birds are the Blue bird, the Eagle and Finches.

Flicker feathers are also known as “Love Medicine” which supposedly brings a lover into someone’s life or finds a “soul mate”. This type of medicine is considered lower level of usage of a powerful medicine. I often call this type of use, “manipulative magic”.

Raven - Raven is a “trickster”. Raven appears in a variety of forms making us think they are another type of bird. Their voice can make us think they are human. They often appear to be another color instead of black. The “trickster” keeps us alert and aware. Honing our skills of observation and broadening our personal perspectives. If we communicate with Raven it is best to remember that they are true “tricksters”. Sometimes the answers they give are straightforward and other times the messages are the opposite of what it should be. The listener must be very in tune with which type of message the Raven is giving. Raven will show us the brighter side of life with sparkling and shiny objects in its beak or when it dives repeatedly at a shiny object on the ground. When raven does this, it is such an uplifting experience and so necessary for our well being in this illusionary world

Flicker feathers are also known as “Love Medicine” which supposedly brings a lover into someone’s life or finds a “soul mate”. This type of medicine is considered lower level of usage of a powerful medicine. I often call this type of use, “manipulative magic”.

Particular Uses of Feathers

The type of feather was also an important consideration in choosing which feathers to use. Tail feathers were held in the highest regard, likely due to their perfect symmetry, preserved shape, distinctive markings and origination from a single point on the body of the bird. Sinew and animal gut were used as the primary material to fasten the feather to the headdresses. Other parts of animals were incorporated into the overall design, including hair and fur as well as bones. Some chiefs wanted their war bonnets to instill a sense of fear in their opponents. Some nations, such as the various Apache tribes, also added medicine bags made from the scrotums of slain enemies and necklaces made from the mummified fingers of the defeated to add to the overall effect of shocking and intimidating their battle enemies.

Sacred Use of Feathers

Shamans, or medicine men, used feathers to great effect in performing various ceremonies, and they attached feathers to such ritual items as medicine bags, wooden shafts and wands, woven materials such as prayer rugs or shawls, and other types of specialized ceremonial clothing.

Other Important Uses of Feathers

The musical instruments used in ceremonies and rituals, such as flutes, drums and drumsticks, and rattles have feathers attached. In some cases, dancers wear masks that have feathers. Peace pipes traditionally have feathers. Other spiritual items may also contain feathers and often a single feather or an array of feathers, such as a complete wing or tail, would be used. Dreamcatchers utilize feathers to good purpose in enabling the dreamer to communicate with the Creator during dreaming. Feathers are essential items for smudging rituals. Feathers are used to “smudge”, directing the cleansing or purifying smoke of burning tobacco, cedar, sage, or sweet grass. Feathers of brightly colored birds, like blue jays and cardinals, were used as actual medicine, and as such, can be considered spiritual medicine or they can be ground into powder and incorporated into a medicinal ointment or salve. In certain ceremonies, important spiritual instruments and owl feathers have special significance and are generally limited in use as magic talisman on talking sticks. The use of owl feathers, especially the all-white feathers from Snowy and Barn Owls, are used to prevent deception from entering the sacred circles. Owl feather also symbolized, in some tribes, death or prophecy. Prayer feathers are often tied around the foreheads of deceased tribal members during death rituals. Sometimes, mummified small songbirds, in their entirety, were used instead of individual feathers.

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