“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
KM's Projects & Endeavors
Thank you so much for taking a few moments of your time exploring into the great many things Kautantowit Mecautea wishes and plans to do to better help you, our KM tribal members! Without YOUR compassion, support, effort and assistance, all of these projects would be so far from the reach of those needing them... needing you and our help in getting their feet firmly planted on the ground. Please check out all of the wonderful things we aim to do, and too, if you have any suggestons or ideas of additional projects and or endeavors, please let us know as we are Always looking for ways to be of better service to you, our members.
KM Adoption Option Project
Our KM Adoption Option Project is among our better endeavors when it comes to offering resource to our brothers and sisters in need, whatever way they need it. Below you will find a short listing of Some of the Adoption Options we offer and suggest you consider being part of... so many need some sort of help, and big or small, it could be You and your generosity that makes the positive difference in they and their relations lives.
Adopt A wishful member
There are a great many people who would like to become members of Kautantowit Mecautea Native American Church, but whom lack the ability to do so, mainly because they lack the funds to spare. KM offers Full Lifetime memberships for less funds than any other NAC or ONAC branch in efforts of eazing that obsticle, though realistically speaking, the systems of society still make it hard for some to take that step because so many are barely making it month to month and are living hand to mouth. In the spirit of tribal unity, we are establishing a fund designed to help those who are interested in becoming members, and hoping that those of you who have a lttle bit better means to help them.
Adopt A Tribal Member
So many of our tribal members have struggled and strived simply to just survive societies infringement upon their personal freedoms before finally finding their way to and establishing themselves as part of our church, seeking the love, support and compassion of the KM family. In each their own ways, they're needing extra help, and literally have nowhere else nor anyone else to turn to, especially during times of need such as in dealing with illness or other such unforseen emergency arsings.
This is why, in keeping with the traditions taught us by our elders, Kautantowit Mecautea feel that the Best offering we could encourage from within, is the ability to Adopt a member. We're gearing this opportunity toward that of the "Big Brother/Big Sister" programs commonly found in places such as the YMCA because they prove to be such the blessing to those in need of a little extra attention and support in ther lives, and we hope our members agree as well as jump in and help to make that positive and much needed difference.
Adopt A KM Family
Knowing that most have families of their own, combined too with knowing that they and their families could use a little extra help and support here and there as we journey this long bumpy red road, KM is happy to suggest that our members offer the love of extended tribal family to our ONAC families in need, and give them the ability to do so Here via our Adopt a family project. Sponsering an entire family really speaks volumes to the children within these families and helps to set the positive example of what and how a tribal family such as KM NAC can be such a forever benefit.
Adopt A Military Veteran
Because if it weren't for our brothers and sisters who so honorably and bravely rose up and answered the call for the defense preservation of All of our rights, liberties and freedoms,Kautantowit's Mecautea KNOW and honor our heroes to the very Best of our ability, and hope you will too by humbly stepping up and adopting a military veteran personally. Kautantowit Mecautea are happy to have established several different ways that you can do that within our branch in the hopes that our members offer the love of extended tribal family to our families in need, and give them the ability to do so Here via our Adopt a family project. Sponsoring a veteran really speaks volumes to the community and helps to set the positive example of what and how people should show such respects too... such as the VA(wink-n-grin)!
Adopt A POW

A big productive part of being a church, especially a NAC church, is being there as a Positive Example for those in need, especially for those who are presently incarcerated in societies correctional systems. One of KM's bigger projects is in the adopting of Cannabis POW's because we feel they should Not be being punished with prison simply for utilizing Mother Natures medicines opposed to poisoning themselves with pharmacuticals Just to appeaze societies preference. It is truly mind-boggling as to How Many people are in prison soly for cannabs possession or cultivation, and too, how long they were given for so little... many are serving LIFE sentences for only being caught with a few grams of medicine, it's rediculous! So, we offer adoption in honor of them being warriors through such legal insanity. However, our adoption alone does little to help them given their situation, and obviously they are limited in more ways than most, especially when it comes to finances.
This is why we're pushing for the Adopt an KM's POW project. They need membership cards, which our mother church requires be paid for so that they will reflect as official members upon our roll. This card gets them into position of pushing for their right to ceremony within the correctional facilities, and too, gives KM roadmen the ability to get into the correctional facilities to do ceremony With them. But there need of us doesn't stop there... they need correspondence, such as a pen-pal option as well, to keep their spirits up as well as to give them the socialization and networking ability to seek and benefit from the wisdom our members have to share. This really can and does make all the positive difference in the World for many, and we hope to see our KM family jump in and help us succeed in this endeavor, whether it's helping them obtain their card, visiting or performing ceremony with them, or simply by just dropping a card and or a short note of encouragement every now and again - YOU can make this positive difference, and we hope that you choose to.
Note: This project goes hand in hand with our missionary works with and for The Human Solution International (THSI) Central and South Valley Oregon Chapter which is also a Court Support focal organization with their own 501c3 status as well.
KM Land Repurchasing
Kautantowit's Mecautea NAC are initiating what we call "The Land Repurchasing Act" on behalf of all members of our tribal church family. What this will include and entail are endless options of support, resource, and self supportiveness as well as collective social benefit for and beyond the limits of just Our members.
KM will be focusing on purchasing land for many such as the following goals in mind:
KM Cemetery
KM Church "Pantries"
Emergency Shelters & Crisis Support Services
a Church Second Hand Store
Long-House Resource Centers
Sacred Medicines Outlet Centers
Community Living camps
Rehabilitation Dwelling Services
KM Private School
Sacred Medicine Gardens
Ceremonial grounds
Transitional Living
KM Retreat properties
and too, the safety net for it all, a Casino!

Operation Scrap-Med

Operation Scrap-Med is an amazing new project we as KM believe will prove to make a positive world of difference for members who are in need of a compassionate hand when it coes to accessing our beloved Mother medicine sacrament.
Not all of our members can afford the costs of buying there rights to use Creator's plant medicines, especially those exploitable for high dollar profits such as our beloved Mother Medicine cannabis, and too, as the "industry" continues it's birthing and expansion, more and more people in need are ultimately left going without, and to us, it's inexcusable.
However, respecting it for the greed that it is, we don't ask nor hold our breath in that the members among us fortunate enough to have been able to obtain such rights to turn around and take from themselves for the sake of another, don't get us wrong, we Hope they would, and even have some members that have freely offered, stepped forward and have gave to others in need... and top qiality too!
We don't Expect that though humbly appreciate and welcome it. Instead we lower our goal just a little and instead initiate "Operation Scrap-Med and ask for ANYTHING medicine wise you're willing to give for the sake and benefit of another.
All parts of Mother are medicinal, from the flowers of coarse, to the leaves, even the stems stalks and roots, and when you literally have had none, everyone appreciates a little fuzzball!
If you have ANYTHING that your spirit is motivated too gift to this project, please reach out to us. With it, we will produce quality medicine for those who need but lack means to obtain accessability to it.

We also have a list of charitable orginazations that would really appreciate your consideration of help as well, please take a few moments to check them out if you would, the link button to that page isi immediately below for your convenience.