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The Cusps of Aries BORN MARCH 21 THROUGH MARCH 25 You are Aries with Pisces tendencies. You are headstrong and impulsive, but there is a part of you that longs for peace and solitude. You resent it when others intrude on or interfere with your plans. Your intellectual powers are keen, and you enjoy probing into new areas and coming up with different ideas. You are clearly an individual. Warmth and sympathy come easily to you. Generally you are fond of entertaining and get along well with people. Your lovemaking tends to be passionate.


BORN APRIL 15 THROUGH APRIL 19 You are Aries with Taurus tendencies. You are impatient, highstrung, and volatile, but also determined and at times very stubborn. Ariens have the reputation for not finishing what they begin, but you are able to see a project through to the end. You like to be the one in charge, and your reaction to disorder and sloppiness is irritation. Emotions are a dominant factor in your life. People always know they can get an honest reaction from you. You are fiery and romantic. You have strong feelings, whether it be anger or joy or love.


The Cusps of Taurus BORN APRIL 20 THROUGH APRIL 24 You are Taurus with Aries tendencies. You are selfsufficient and determined, but also spirited and independent. You cannot bear being restricted by other people’s rules, and whatever the situation you always assert your own personality. People often come to you for advice; you may be known as having great style and confidence. In truth, you sometimes feel insecure, but you hide it very well. You take the intellectual approach to solving problems. In love, however, you are impulsive and extravagant.


BORN MAY 16 THROUGH MAY 20 You are Taurus with Gemini tendencies. You are ambitious, have strong willpower, and are also imaginative and intellectually inclined. You have an attractive personality and possess a special persuasive touch that works well with people. Generally, you deal in a straightforward manner because you prefer to cut through deception or secretiveness and lay things out in the open. You dislike taking orders. Words come easily to you unless you are emotionally involved; then you are often unable to express your deepest feelings. This is especially true when you are in love. 


The Cusps of Gemini BORN MAY 21 THROUGH MAY 25 You are Gemini with Taurus tendencies. You are inquisitive and changeable, but you also have a stubborn streak and are not easily moved off your course. At times you become irritable when others don’t measure up to your expectations. Generally, though, you deal tactfully with others and you have many friends. Artistic talent may be evident, but you are practical and realistic about making money. Your attitude in new situations is, “Where do I fit in?” Usually you make a marvelous first impression.


BORN JUNE 16 THROUGH JUNE 20 You are Gemini with Cancer tendencies. You are quick-witted and communicative, and also analytical, cautious, and conservative in your approach. When you give your word, others know they can trust you to do exactly as you say. You like to be surrounded with familiar objects and people, and you put a lot of weight on charming manners and appearance. Yours is a sensitive nature that is easily hurt by carelessness or selfishness. You are not satisfied with being ordinary; you want to create beauty or be known for your brilliance.


The Cusps of Cancer BORN JUNE 21 THROUGH JUNE 25 You are Cancer with Gemini tendencies. You have a sympathetic and generous nature, and an incisive, intellectual mind. You may be famous for your brain, but those close to you know you are a softie inside. Sometimes your heart and mind are at odds with each other; emotions affect you more than you like to admit. You have a special touch for getting along with people from all walks of life. You need stimulation and change, and will become discontent if stuck in one place for too long.


BORN JULY 18 THROUGH JULY 22 You are Cancer with Leo tendencies. You are idealistic and sensitive, and also clever and forceful, and you probably you have a temper that quickly comes and goes. In work, you like doing things your own way. You possess a pleasing social grace that mixes easily with people, but you take a long time to form truly close relationships. Love is not impulsive. You may be instantly attracted to someone, but you are careful because you fear rejection and won’t let yourself become too vulnerable 


 The Cusps of Leo BORN JULY 23 THROUGH JULY 27 You are Leo with Cancer tendencies. You have high aspirations and tend to be creative, and at the same time are methodical and studious. You want to make the “right” decisions and hate to be caught unprepared or off-guard. Mental work stimulates you; you have good powers of concentration and an ability to express yourself. Because of your ebullience and warmth, you attract many friends. You are often extravagant with money because you love to buy beautiful things. You also are headstrong and possessive in love.


BORN AUGUST 18 THROUGH AUGUST 22 You are Leo with Virgo tendencies. You gain attention because of your strong personality and sense of style. Determination is one of your dominant qualities; you climb over obstacles to reach a goal or get something your heart is set on. You have a taste for elegance and like to travel first class. Though you are very levelheaded when analyzing other people’s problems, you are basically an emotional person. You make decisions first with your heart and then rationalize with your head.


The Cusps of Virgo BORN AUGUST 23 THROUGH AUGUST 27 You are Virgo with Leo tendencies. You are kind, gracious, and reliable, and you also possess great flair and personal style. Your optimism, wit, and sense of fun magnetically draw people toward you. Projects you undertake are likely to be successful because of your eye for detail and quick intelligence. Often you end up handling the whole show because of your organizational abilities. Sometimes you are impatient with the irresponsibility of others. You shine in social settings. In love, you tend to be effusive, warm, and loyal.


BORN SEPTEMBER 18 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 22 You are Virgo with Libra tendencies. You are an idea person, intellectual and perceptive. You have a gregarious nature and are most successful dealing with and through other people. Your mind is alert and lively, and you probably have a facile flair for conversation. Your particular gift is for using your social talents in your work. Your finely honed esthetic sense sets high standards. You may be a collector of beautiful objects or be drawn to creative pursuits. In love you are sincere and expressive but need a lot of attention and devotion from a lover. 


The Cusps of Libra BORN SEPTEMBER 23 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 27 You are Libra with Virgo tendencies. You are peopleoriented and possess a talent for making others like you. You are also industrious and have a keen eye for detail but sometimes take on more than you can handle. It is important to you to be admired. You are aware of your public image and always strive to make the best impression. You would like to keep your emotions on an even keel, but you tend to be either enthusiastically happy or else dejected over some little thing going wrong. Love makes you feel fulfilled, and you are probably flirtatious.


BORN OCTOBER 18 THROUGH OCTOBER 22 You are Libra with Scorpio tendencies. You have magnetic personal charm and usually try to maneuver situations so you are the one who controls or directs. You know how to work hard, and you apply yourself wholeheartedly to achieve a goal. You are skillful in dealing with people. Your sensuality attracts others, even when you are not aware of it. At times you can be impatient and quick-tempered, but basically you don’t like arguments and you are willing to keep peace. You have a captivating social nature. Punctuality is not one of your strong points.


The Cusps of Scorpio BORN OCTOBER 23 THROUGH OCTOBER 27 You are Scorpio with Libra tendencies. There is an elegance to your personality, a charm and good-naturedness that people respond to. You have a talent for expressing your opinions in an apt and amusing way. You have a strong will, but unless you are crossed or thwarted you don’t often show it. In general, you are cooperative and friendly, even though you prefer to work alone at your own pace. This is especially true in any creative enterprise. In love your feelings run deep and you tend to be cautious. You don’t commit yourself easily because you fear being hurt or rejected.


BORN NOVEMBER 17 THROUGH NOVEMBER 21 You are Scorpio with Sagittarius tendencies. You are sensitive, intuitive, and likely have a lot of nervous energy. You enjoy a variety of interests and hobbies and attract different types of friends. Mental activity stimulates you. You are fond of discussion and are never reluctant to share an opinion. Those you love are aware of your loyalty and warm feelings; others usually see you as someone who makes dispassionate judgments. The truth is that you are sentimental, but able to stand back and be objective if this is in your best interests. 


BORN NOVEMBER 22 THROUGH NOVEMBER 26 You are Sagittarius with Scorpio tendencies. You are high-strung and excitable and may be known as a colorful personality. You are also intelligent, versatile, and forward-thinking. Life is full of activity for you. Because you dislike being alone, you surround yourself with people and projects and sometimes spread yourself too thin. You know how to spot an advantage and how to make yourself the center of attention. You have good psychic powers and an ability to probe into other people’s minds. In love you are passionate but changeable.


BORN DECEMBER 17 THROUGH DECEMBER 21 You are Sagittarius with Capricorn tendencies. You are genial and good-natured and have charming social manners. You are also ambitious, know how to take responsibility, and are thorough when doing a job. Since you have both imagination and a strong sense of self, you like to work without interference from others. People sometimes look to you for advice, since your quick mind can zero in on important matters. You have a sensitive nature and a capacity for loving deeply. You do not always make wise decisions in love, however. The Cusps of Sagittarius


The Cusps of Capricorn BORN DECEMBER 22 THROUGH DECEMBER 26 You are Capricorn with Sagittarius tendencies. Underneath your practical and sometimes unemotional approach, you have a kind and loving heart. People instinctively rely on your integrity. You do not betray their confidences and are a sympathetic listener. There is an adventurous quality to you; you like to travel and to explore new places and ideas. Even though you are conservative and cautious in your judgments, you are always willing to examine another point of view. You often pick up unspoken signals from others because of your keen sensitivity.


BORN JANUARY 15 THROUGH JANUARY 19 You are Capricorn with Aquarius tendencies. You are a deep person who possesses insight and vision, but you are also generous and fun-loving and like to be in the company of people. You enjoy entertaining and the “good life,” and may be known as an excellent host or hostess. Success is likely working with the public. In general, you look on the positive side, but when things go wrong you are able to see only the negative. Your loyalty is unshakable, and you are always ready to help someone you love. In romance you tend to settle for less than you deserve. Email No - 166 • Sun Sign Astrology The Cusps of Aquarius


BORN JANUARY 20 THROUGH JANUARY 24 You are Aquarius with Capricorn tendencies. You have a quick mind and are versatile enough to handle many varied projects. In addition you have a good memory and a methodical approach. Generally you are most successful in enterprises where you can run things your own way. Your sociable nature attracts people, and you may be known for a witty sense of humor. At times you need complete privacy and periods of reflection. You have a strong streak of independence. You try to deal with love analytically because you dislike falling prey to feelings.


BORN FEBRUARY 14 THROUGH FEBRUARY 18 You are Aquarius with Pisces tendencies. You have an easygoing charm that fits in well with almost any group. Whereas you may have many acquaintances, those who know you really well are few. You have a lighthearted exterior that often hides deeper feelings. In work you are forward-thinking and progressive, but also cautious. You view life with a somewhat jaded eye and won’t rush into anything new without investigation. Nothing offends you more than being unfairly dealt with. You tend to have extravagant tastes and enjoy spending money.


The Cusps of Pisces BORN FEBRUARY 19 THROUGH FEBRUARY 23 You are Pisces with Aquarius tendencies. You have an elegant and refined nature, and also an infectious sense of fun. You possess both determination and good organizational ability, and generally are successful at making money. In your work, you can be incisive and objective about solving problems. People are often surprised at the variety and extent of your interests. You have strong likes and dislikes, but also an open mind that enjoys toying with new ideas. You need change in scenery to keep from becoming bored. Love may be elusive because you need a special kind of person to fulfill you.


BORN MARCH 16 THROUGH MARCH 20 You are Pisces with Aries tendencies. You have keen powers of observation and are drawn to the unusual in people and in ideas. You have a strong personality that makes an impact, and you possess the ability to execute personal plans in spite of obstacles. In short, you are a most original person. You have learned that luck comes when you least expect it. You have a magnetic social touch and are usually surrounded by friends and acquaintances. You are flirtatious and changeable, but in love you are capable of intense devotion. Email No - Among the most important questions a client asks an astrologer is, “What does my chart say about my health?” Health and well-being are of paramount concern to human beings. Love, money, or career take second place, for without good health we cannot enjoy anything else in life. Astrology and medicine have had a long marriage. Hippocrates (born around 460 B.C.), the Greek philosopher and physician who is considered the father of medicine, said, “A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” Indeed, up until the eighteenth century, the study of astrology and its relationship to the body was very much a part of a doctor’s training. When a patient became ill a chart was immediately drawn up. This guided the doctor in both diagnosis and treatment, for the chart would tell when the crisis would come and what medicine would help. Of course, Western doctors in the twentieth century no longer use astrology to treat illness. However, astrology can still be a useful tool in helping to maintain our physical well-being.  

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