“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge,"
~Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota ~
(510) 761-4448; Email: kmtribe@aol.com
The Decanants of Aries
FIRST DECANATE: MARCH 21 THROUGH MARCH 31 Keyword: Inspiration Constellation: Andromeda, the Chained Woman. She was freed of her chains by Perseus, the Rescuer. The constellation symbolizes the power of love. Planetary subruler: Mars Mars is both your ruler and subruler, giving your personality extra force and impact. You are a dominant person and can sometimes be too aggressive. In an argument or clash of wills, you ride right over the opposition. You are impetuous and energetic and tend to throw yourself into activities with all your heart. A person of conviction, you will never take an action that you think is wrong. You are a clear, incisive thinker and can carry a plan to conclusion. Your best quality is your ability to inspire confidence in others. At times you tire yourself out because you don’t know when to stop. You also tend to monopolize conversations.
SECOND DECANATE: APRIL 1 THROUGH APRIL 10 Keyword: Innovation Constellation: Cetus, the Whale or Sea Monster, tied to two fishes and led by a lamb. Cetus symbolizes energy harnessed to imagination and love. Planetary subruler: Sun The Sun in this decanate adds to the power of Aries’s Mars, which gives your character dignity, pride, and vitality. You have an ardent and excitable love nature, and your sexual energy is high. The Sun here indicates a great fondness for change. You are never content to take things as they come. Because you are ambitious, you go out and try to put your mark on the world. Others tend to cluster around you, for you have joie de vivre and a magnetic personality. More than the other two decanates of Aries, you seek pleasure out of life. You have a taste for the expensive and can be quite imperious if you don’t get what you want. A liking for too much good food is one of your downfalls.
THIRD DECANATE: APRIL 11 THROUGH APRIL 19 Keyword: Foresight Constellation: Cassiopeia, a beautiful queen seated on her throne who symbolizes good judgment. Down through the ages she has been a celestial guide to travelers. Planetary subruler: Jupiter The expansive qualities of Jupiter combine with Aries’s Mars to give you a wide or lofty outlook, a love of ambitious ideas and of travel. You resent restriction of any kind and prize your personal freedom. For you, the perfect life is to be successful doing something creative, where you are in charge and call all the shots. Your sense of adventure often takes you far from home. You like to find out new information, to explore different fields of knowledge. The occult interests you. You are shrewd and clever in business matters and may possess an insight or sixth sense about other people. There is a warmhearted geniality about you that allows you to make friends easily. At times you can be too extravagant with money.
The Decanants of Taurus
FIRST DECANATE: APRIL 20 THROUGH APRIL 30 Keyword: Acquisition Constellation: Triangulum, the Triangle, mystic symbol of truth and harmony. Planetary subruler: Venus Venus is both your ruler and subruler, and its gracious influence is prominent in your character. Though you have strong likes and dislikes, you are not abrasive about them. You have a charming social touch, and many friends are devoted to you. Your kind and sympathetic nature is easily imposed on. You have an artistic eye for beauty and design and may possess musical ability. Venus in this decanate indicates a love of beautiful possessions. Generally, your instinct for value is useful; in time many of your possessions should be worth more than you paid for them. Sometimes you are too acquisitive and materialistic. Your worst faults are your stubbornness and a refusal to venture out into new areas.
SECOND DECANATE: MAY 1 THROUGH MAY 10 Keyword: Evaluation Constellation: Eridanus, the River Po, a winding current that symbolizes justice. Planetary subruler: Mercury Mercury combines with Venus (Taurus’s ruler) to give you an inquisitive mind and a great talent for organization. You are conservative in approach, but also possess intuitive powers that you should use more often. Because you are a determined worker, you inspire trust on the part of others. You have an instinct for cooperation, but you also need the independence to set your own pace, free from distractions. Your mental powers are very strong, and you can take complex ideas and make them understandable to others. Mercury here bestows an ability to speak and write effectively, perhaps even eloquently. Sometimes you meddle too much into other people’s affairs, and you have a tendency to forget small details.
THIRD DECANATE: MAY 11 THROUGH MAY 20 Keyword: Determination Constellation: Perseus, the Rescuer, the hero with winged feet and a sword who slew the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus is symbolic of victory. Planetary subruler: Saturn The meditative qualities of Saturn combine with harmonious Venus to give you quiet determination and strength of character. People think of you as stable and reliable, for you are not easily deterred once you are set on a goal. You possess an active mind and are keenly observant. Usually you deal with problems by thoroughly analyzing them before you act. You are not wishy-washy about letting others know where you stand; you’d rather confront a difficulty than evade and worry about it. You have strong, deep feelings, and in romantic relationships are loyal and protective. A fault is that you tend to be too serious. Sometimes you are hurt by what others say because you take things too much to heart.
The Decanates of Gemini
FIRST DECANATE: MAY 21 THROUGH MAY 31 Keyword: Ingenuity Constellation: Lepus, the Hare, who triumphs over enemies by outwitting them. Planetary subruler: Mercury Mercury is both your ruler and subruler, and your mental acumen is sharp. You enjoy new ideas and look for chances to express yourself. Your ability to speak or write influences the direction of your life. You have a forceful personality because you are able to decide quickly and then act. Logic and rationality are two rules you live by; you try not to cloud issues by sentimentalizing them. This is not to say you don’t have warm feelings. You have a unique capacity for forming close relationships, and if you love someone you tend to involve yourself completely in that person’s affairs. Underneath you are a tense worrier who suffers and frets too much. You try to handle all details brilliantly, but often they overwhelm you.
SECOND DECANATE: JUNE 1 THROUGH JUNE 10 Keyword: Union Constellation: Orion, the Giant Hunter of magnificent strength and beauty. Orion was placed in the heavens to commemorate his great bravery. Planetary subruler: Venus Harmonious Venus combines with Gemini’s Mercury to give you a deft social touch. People respond to your warm and effusive nature. The approval and esteem of others
The Decanates of Cancer 150 • Sun Sign Astrology
FIRST DECANATE: JUNE 21 THROUGH JUNE 30 Keyword: Receptiveness Constellation: Canis Minor, the Small Dog, who symbolizes reason. Planetary subruler: Moon The Moon is both your ruler and subruler, and so you tend to be very receptive and sensitive to other people. You see deeply into human nature, and your insights and guidance are often sought after. You would make an excellent teacher or instructor. Rationality is important to you. Even though you are an emotional person, you are able to sift through facts and arrive at a fair decision. You have an excellent memory for feelings and impressions (both yours and those of others), but ordinary day-to-day details escape you. In relationships, you look for harmony and security. You dislike quarrels and dissension, and any kind of emotional disturbance leaves you depressed. At times you are too moody and pessimistic.
SECOND DECANATE: JULY 1 THROUGH JULY 11 Keyword: Intensity Constellation: Canis Major, the Great Dog, companion to the mighty hunter Orion. He symbolizes triumph. Planetary subruler: Pluto Pluto is the planet of depth and intensity, and combines with your Cancer Moon to give you a forceful yet thoughtful personality. Of the three Cancer decanates, yours is the most mystical and interested in things unseen. People are drawn to your sensitivity and often tell you their secrets. Your intellectual talents are formidable even though your strong feelings predominate when making decisions. Both curious and intuitive, you are able to gather facts and information from all sources and use them for your benefit. In work you are disciplined and practical; in relationships you are the opposite—sentimental, emotional, and often possessive. You have a tendency to become too fixed and rigid once you’ve set your mind.
THIRD DECANATE: JULY 12 THROUGH JULY 22 Keyword: Empathy Constellation: Argo Navis, the magical ship of adventure that symbolizes strength of mind. Placed in the heavens by Poseidon to be a guide to travelers on the southern seas. Planetary subruler: Neptune The spiritual planet Neptune is your subruler, which joins forces with the Cancerian Moon to accentuate an impressionable and romantic nature. You may be very artistic, and you try to create beauty and harmony around you. Your adaptability to different kinds of people is one of your secrets of success. Many of you are destined for some kind of public life. You have an ability to touch people’s feelings and to form close ties. In love you have deep emotions. You are loyal and protective toward your family and mate, and you believe only the best about them. Cautious and conservative are the words that best describe your approach to problems. Even in the midst of crisis, you look for balance. Often you are prone toward discontent and dissatisfaction. Email No - eleonorarahman@gmail.com
The Decanates and Cusps of Sun Signs • 151 The Decanates of Leo
FIRST DECANATE: JULY 23 THROUGH AUGUST 1 Keyword: Self-expression Constellation: Ursa Minor, the Small Bear. This is the constellation of the Little Dipper. The Small Bear symbolizes goals and true direction. Planetary subruler: Sun The Sun is both your ruler and subruler, and you are doubly under its beneficent influence. You enjoy being in the spotlight and may be known as a colorful personality. You have an artistic flair. You also have a knack for drawing attention because of the way you speak and present yourself. The role of a leader comes easily, for you are able to excite and stimulate others. In general, you don’t keep your feelings to yourself. When you are happy the world knows about it. When you are melancholy you are usually vocal in expressing your moods. You are impulsive in love and tend to follow the dictates of your heart without thinking. At times, you can be very stubborn about wanting your own way.
SECOND DECANATE: AUGUST 2 THROUGH AUGUST 12 Keyword: Expansion Constellation: Ursa Major, the Great Bear. This is the constellation of the Big Dipper. The Great Bear symbolizes wisdom. Planetary subruler: Jupiter The expansive planet Jupiter co-rules your decanate with Leo’s Sun, accenting intellectual and visionary qualities. You have a very proud nature and a quick temper. Your ability to dissect problems and see immediately what needs to be done gives you an authority that others respond to. Though you are jovial and good-humored, it’s hard for you to laugh at yourself. You are ambitious, but not just for money; what you want is to know more, to gain in intelligence. While you can do manual labor, you much prefer mental pursuits. Sometimes you are thought of as being brash and overconfident, but this is simply a genuine expression of your enthusiasm and willingness to try.
THIRD DECANATE: AUGUST 13 THROUGH AUGUST 22 Keyword: Creativity Constellation: Hydra, the water-serpent, who symbolizes activism and mental energy. Planetary subruler: Mars The aggressive planet Mars combines with Leo’s Sun to underline your impetuousness and willpower. You plunge into new projects with verve, but you want tangible resul 152 • Sun Sign Astrology
The Decanates of Virgo
FIRST DECANATE: AUGUST 23 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1 Keyword: Analysis Constellation: Crater, the Cup, the goblet of Apollo. The Cup symbolizes emotional giving. Planetary subruler: Mercury Mercury, planet of the mind, is both your ruler and subruler, giving you a formidable intellect. You approach problems rationally; you want to find out the reason things happen, and then apply your knowledge to working out a better system. Often your insights are thought of as prophetic, but they are the result of keen observation. You have a warm and witty personality that draws friends and admirers. However, your standards are high and you expect intelligence and decorum in the people you associate with. In love you are romantic and devoted and have great sensitivity toward a lover. There is much nervous energy churning beneath your surface. You tend to worry secretly and to fuss over small problems.
SECOND DECANATE: SEPTEMBER 2 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 12 Keyword: Efficiency Constellation: Hercules, the strong and virtuous hero who triumphs over evil. Planetary subruler: Saturn Saturn, planet of determination, combines with Virgo’s Mercury to give special force to your personality. You are concerned with details and want to plot your moves in advance so there won’t be any mistakes. Though you are versatile and adaptable, most people think of you as persistent and tenacious. Your fixity of purpose is simply that you demand perfection of yourself and try to give your best performance. In truth you are too exacting and suffer needlessly when you don’t live up to your expectations. When you are in love you have a gentle and sympathetic nature, and you do all in your power to please. You are easy to live with as long as no one arouses your strong stubborn streak.
THIRD DECANATE: SEPTEMBER 13 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 22 Keyword: Discrimination Constellation: Bootes, the Bear Driver, the ancient herdsman who every day chased the Great Bear around the North Pole. Bootes symbolizes the utilization of knowledge. Planetary subruler: Venus The gregarious and social qualities of Venus combine with Virgo’s Mercury to signify a winning way with people. What motivates you is a desire for approval. You have a special talent for using words and can write and speak charmingly. An artistic flair and use of color is usually present in your surroundings or dress. You possess a sense of style and project a strong personal image. Poise and confidence are assets in your work or career, and you are known for your tact and diplomacy. Since you are unhappy living under restrictions, you are drawn to creative pursuits where you are free to be your own master. In love you are warmhearted and generous, though you demand a lot of attention in return.
The Decanates of
FIRST DECANATE: SEPTEMBER 23 THROUGH OCTOBER 2 Keyword: Magnetism Constellation: Corvus, the Crow, symbolizing idealism and a sense of duty. Planetary subruler: Venus Venus is both your ruler and subruler, which intensifies your Libran love for beauty, pleasure, and luxury. You tend to have extravagant tastes and often have trouble holding on to money. Blessed with great social charm, you strive to make an impact. To a large extent, the way you feel about yourself is determined by how much love you receive from others, and in general you try to achieve your goals through other people. Sometimes you cover up a lack of selfconfidence by being the aggressor or the one who initiates projects. You have a creative nature that welcomes new ideas, and you are fond of travel. In love you are romantic and impulsive, but you have a tendency to choose lovers who take more than they give.
SECOND DECANATE: OCTOBER 3 THROUGH OCTOBER 13 Keyword: Endurance Constellation: Centaurus, the Centaur, the magical half man, half horse that symbolizes duality in human beings. Planetary subruler: Uranus Uranus, planet of the intellect, rules your decanate, giving power to the romantic qualities of Libra’s Venus. Often people are surprised at the sharpness of your mind, since your personality tends to be serene and charming. The Scales (Libra’s symbol) also represent a duality that often makes you feel like two different people. There is a radiance to you, an artistic and original style, matched with a determination to accomplish what you set out to do. You are an independent person, yet you need companionship and love. Endurance and conservatism are hidden in your depths. You are at your best in social situations; this is where you come to life and shine.
THIRD DECANATE: OCTOBER 14 THROUGH OCTOBER 22 Keyword: Order Constellation: Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, the bridal crown of Ariadne. Christian astronomers called it the Crown of Thorns. Corona Borealis symbolizes achievement. Planetary subruler: Mercury The energy and quickness of Mercury join with Libra’s Venus to give you an attention-getting personality. You have both vitality and likeableness, a combination that indicates success working with the public. Your mind is forceful, curious, open to new ideas. In general, you tend to follow your head rather than your heart. You enjoy sifting through information and making a reasonable and balanced judgment. Your pronounced intellectual capabilities are part of your allure; you have much sex appeal and enjoy attention from a wide range of people. Sometimes the depth of your true feeling for a lover is not apparent on the surface. Though you have a talent for the written word, you find it difficult to speak of your emotions.
The Decanates of Libra
FIRST DECANATE: OCTOBER 23 THROUGH NOVEMBER 1 Keyword: Integrity Constellation: Serpens, the Serpent, symbolizing power and occult knowledge. Planetary subruler: Pluto Pluto is both your ruler and subruler, which gives a hypnotic intensity to your personality. You are loyal and steadfast, and others quickly sense they can depend on you. You will stand by a lover long after others in the same situation would let go. Once you let go, however, there is usually no turning back. You have fixed opinions, but also a scientific turn of mind that will examine ideas and arrive at a new opinion should the facts warrant it. You are drawn to the mysterious and the occult, but may keep this a secret. Should you choose to use it, you have great power of selfdiscipline. Sometimes you let things slide by because you don’t care enough to exert yourself.
SECOND DECANATE: NOVEMBER 2 THROUGH NOVEMBER 11 Keyword: Regeneration Constellation: Lupus, the Wolf, held aloft by Centaurus. The Wolf symbolizes offering. Planetary subruler: Neptune Neptune, planet of sensitivity, combines with Scorpio’s Pluto to accentuate an idealistic personality. In both work and love, you tend to reach out toward others and give of yourself. You would make a superb teacher, healer, or physician; you have a talent for inspiring and helping others. It is important to you to find deeper meaning in your relationships. You are romantic and intense; love fulfills and completes you. Once you can find contentment in love, you reach your true potential in other areas of life. Generally, your luck comes through other people when you least expect it. You are not a patient person and find it difficult to wait for the slow unfolding of events in your life.
THIRD DECANATE: NOVEMBER 12 THROUGH NOVEMBER 21 Keyword: Clarification Constellation: Aquila, the Eagle, whom the Greeks considered the only creature able to outstare the Sun. The Eagle is symbolic of rising above earthly limitations. Planetary subruler: Moon The sensuous Moon combines with Scorpio’s Pluto to give an allure to your personality. You are at your best dealing with groups of people, and tend to choose work that projects you into the public eye. Your magnetic social touch wins popularity. Fate seems to thrust you into situations or relationships that you do not pick, but are often the most successful for you. You have a strong sense of ethics, and injustice brings out your fighting spirit. At times you can be moody, especially when the actions of other people discourage you. You have deep emotions that you have difficulty sharing. Once you reveal yourself, you are direct and honest and don’t evade the truth.
The Decanates of Sagittarius
FIRST DECANATE: NOVEMBER 22 THROUGH DECEMBER 1 Keyword: Honesty Constellation: Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Holder, who as a child vanquished his serpent enemies. Ophiuchus symbolizes victory over adversity. Planetary subruler: Jupiter Jupiter, planet of wisdom, is both your ruler and subruler, which accentuates lofty ideals and a love of knowledge. You look for experience and adventure. You want to deepen your understanding of life and are usually a student of human nature. People know they can trust what you tell them, for you are open and aboveboard. In addition, you have a special talent for pleasing others by what you say. You believe strongly in freedom, in the right of each person to choose an individual pathway. Because you have such wide-ranging interests, you may find it hard to commit yourself completely to a marriage or love affair. Emotional discord is extremely distressing to you; you strive to surround yourself with harmonious relationships.
SECOND DECANATE: DECEMBER 2 THROUGH DECEMBER 11 Keyword: Drive Constellation: Sagitta, the Arrow that killed the eagle who fed upon Prometheus. The Arrow symbolizes the destruction of evil in its path. Planetary subruler: Mars Mars, planet of initiative, combines with Jupiter’s expansiveness to give you a courageous and generous nature. You have the rare gift of being able to influence and inspire others. Often the kindnesses you show have a much greater impact than you know. Your life is usually geared toward a goal; your real respect is for achievement. You are dependable, efficient, and thorough when you undertake to do a job. At times you may be discouraged, but the face you show to the world is one of humor and strength of character. You are a person of fierce independence; you want to do things your way, though you will try not to step on any toes. In love you may seem detached, but you are devoted and loyal.
THIRD DECANATE: DECEMBER 12 THROUGH DECEMBER 21 Keyword: Intuition Constellation: Ara, the Altar of Dionysus (Bacchus). Christian astronomers called it the Altar of Noah. Ara symbolizes unity and triumph. Planetary subruler: Sun The Sun, which stands for pride and vitality, joins forces with beneficent Jupiter; together they give great magnetism to your personality and a charming talent for making people laugh. Often your profound intellect is hidden under a social and gregarious exterior. Gifted with intuition and insight, you have a deep capacity for learning and discovering deeper meaning. You enjoy travel and meeting new people, for you want to widen your experience. The world of teaching or writing beckons to you. You have a re- fined and elegant nature that responds to art and beauty. In love, you are passionate and impulsive. You tend to fall head over heels quickly, but these crushes fade away just as quickly.
The Decanates of Capricorn
FIRST DECANATE: DECEMBER 22 THROUGH DECEMBER 31 Keyword: Responsibility Constellation: Corona Australis, the Southern Crown, garland of the gods. The constellation symbolizes commitment to knowledge. Planetary subruler: Saturn Saturn, planet of discipline, is both your ruler and subruler, which gives you a serious mien and a talent for handling responsibility. You are precise and orderly and generally don’t trust others to look after details. When you undertake a task you complete it to the best of your ability. Once you’ve set your mind on a goal, you are relentless and determined. There is a quiet force to your personality; other people are always aware of your presence. You are both subtle and aggressive; you have an instinct for knowing how far you can push. Ambition usually motivates you, for you are never content to be an underling. Love brings out your affectionate and demonstrative nature. When aroused you are a passionate person.
SECOND DECANATE: JANUARY 1 THROUGH JANUARY 10 Keyword: Fairness Constellation: Lyra, the Harp, formed by the god Mercury from a tortoiseshell. Lyra symbolizes harmony. Planetary subruler: Venus Venus, planet of love, softens Saturn’s stern influence and gives a gentleness and serenity to your personality. People respond to your warmth and charm. Venus here also indicates an interest in beauty and design, and perhaps some creative ability. In your work, you are practical and persistent. You are a doer who does not waste precious time. You enjoy periods of solitude to read, think, explore new subjects. Possibly you carry on a large correspondence, for you write well. Travel holds fascination for you. Your lover, family, and friends take first place in your heart; you are devoted to their wants and needs. You are reticent about your feelings. Love is a deep emotion, and you don’t readily speak of it.
THIRD DECANATE: JANUARY 11 THROUGH JANUARY 19 Keyword: Honor Constellation: Draco, the Dragon, the “seeing one” who guarded the Golden Apples. The Dragon symbolizes observation and intuition. Planetary subruler: Mercury Mercury, planet of mental energy, adds impetus to the discipline of Saturn. You have a quick intellect and flexibility of character that allows you to adapt to different people and situations. When you give your word you stick to it; you treat others fairly and with respect. Friends and admirers are drawn to your spiritual nature. You are an idealist and a dreamer, but when motivated you are also an indefatigable worker. Money and material comforts are important to you, and you usually quickly spot where your best financial interests lie. You are a person of deep desires, though this may not be apparent on the surface. Life is often marked by a struggle to fulfill your inner needs.
The Decanates of Aquarius
FIRST DECANATE: JANUARY 20 THROUGH JANUARY 29 Keyword: Knowledge Constellation: Delphinus, the Dolphin, ancient savior of the shipwrecked. The Dolphin symbolizes spirituality. Planetary subruler: Uranus Uranus, planet of originality, is both your ruler and subruler, which accentuates your perception and quick mentality. You are capable and intelligent and deal easily with people. Your wit and sense of humor are advantages both socially and in your work. What others may consider obstacles, you think of as challenges. Finding solutions and a better, quicker way of handling things is what you emphasize. You are intrigued by new problems and need change in your activities to keep you from going stale. You have an affectionate and kindhearted nature, although a lover may complain of your detachment. This is probably because you try to apply logic to emotional situations. You are fond of analyzing why a person behaves in this way or that.
SECOND DECANATE: JANUARY 30 THROUGH FEBRUARY 8 Keyword: Frankness Constellation: Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish that symbolizes knowledge and fertility of mind. The Fish drinks from the Fountain of Wisdom. Planetary subruler: Mercury Mercury, planet of versatility, adds its energy to Aquarius’s Uranus, which gives a liveliness and sparkle to your personality. You have a spontaneity and genuine warmth that draws others to you. One of your most outstanding traits is your honesty and frankness in speech. People know they can depend on what you say, for you speak your true mind. Mercury bestows a gift for language, and you may have literary interests. You probably have the ability to sum up a person or situation in a clever and witty phrase. You enjoy knowledge for its own sake and are always interested in learning more. You want love to be a consuming and passionate experience, but you are too selfsufficient to be swept away.
THIRD DECANATE: FEBRUARY 9 THROUGH FEBRUARY 18 Keyword: Association Constellation: Equuleus, the Little Horse, brother of Pegasus. The Little Horse symbolizes loyalty and the harnessing of strength. Planetary subruler: Venus Venus, planet of sociability, combines with Aquarius’s Uranus to make you the most people-oriented of the three decanates. You have the ability to form close and enduring ties. Often your success in work comes through other people. You probably have an artistic nature and take pride in making your surroundings as beautiful as you can. You like people who do what they say they will and who show up on time. In your own life you are careful about details and tend to be critical about the lax ways of others. Travel and new adventure always excite you, for you are a forward-looking person. In love, you are romantic and affectionate and you tend to have a flirtatious eye.
The Decanates of Pisces
FIRST DECANATE: FEBRUARY 19 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29 Keyword: Imagination Constellation: Pegasus, the Winged Horse who bears the rider of good fortune. Planetary subruler: Neptune Neptune, planet of illusion, is both your ruler and subruler, which emphasizes creativity and imagination. There may be involvement in artistic or literary work; you have a talent for expressing your inner thoughts. You are particularly sensitive to the people with whom you share your life. Discord is unbearable to you, and you will do your best to shield yourself from unpleasantness. Your keen mind is open to ideas, and personal achievement is important to you. Often you must struggle to accentuate positiveness instead of letting negative feelings overwhelm you. You may suffer from physical ailments, but your character is very strong. Love is probably tempestuous, for you have deep passions.
SECOND DECANATE: MARCH 1 THROUGH MARCH 10 Keyword: Compassion Constellation: Cygnus, the Swan. Also called the Northern Cross. The Swan is the celestial symbol of grace and beauty. Planetary subruler: Moon The receptive Moon combines with the spiritual influence of Neptune and heightens your awareness of others. You have an uncanny way of knowing what those around you think or feel, and can use this power on a much wider scale. You are, or have the potential to become, well known not only in your circle but in the larger world. Your observations are keen; you are able to gather ideas or art forms and transform them with your own unique vision. Social occasions enable you to display your special charm with people and a knack for witty conversation that is one of your strong points. You are a romantic at heart, and love is a transforming experience for you. Unfortunately, you don’t find love easy to hold on to.
THIRD DECANATE: MARCH 11 THROUGH MARCH 20 Keyword: Action Constellation: Cepheus, the Monarch who rests one foot on the Pole Star. He symbolizes constancy. Planetary subruler: Pluto Pluto, planet of power, gives force to Pisces’s Neptune and underlines your need for activity and outlets. You possess imagination and vision; if you harness your energy you can soar to great heights of achievement. Intellectually you are curious and like to explore the unusual or hidden. You are especially drawn to religious, spiritual, or occult matters. Solitude and periods of withdrawal from others are necessary for you to think, review, and meditate. You have a talent for writing or speaking that can move and influence other people. Your emotions are deep and strong; you understand first with your heart and only then with your head. Love motivates many of your decisions.