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The position of the Moon in your horoscope is second only in importance to the position of the Sun. The Sun sign is the part of you that is most apparent on the surface; it is what others see. The Moon sign is the part of you that you see. In astrology the Moon stands for emotions, instincts, the unconscious. Whereas the Sun represents your will, the Moon represents your instinctive reactions. Evangeline Adams, the most famous astrologer of the early twentieth century, wrote that the Sun signifies your individuality and the Moon signifies your personality. Other astrologers define the Sun’s influence as a vital force and the Moon as an unconscious force.


In essence, the Moon represents the side of you that reacts before you have time to think. The distinction in astrology between the influence of the Sun and the Moon is a forerunner of Sigmund Freud’s theory of the ego and the id in human personality. According to Freud, the ego is a person’s consciousness (symbolized in astrology by the Sun), and the id represents a person’s instinct (the Moon). In many ways your Moon personality is the one you keep hidden. Human beings tend to disapprove of instinctive behavior. We call it uncivilized, primitive, animalistic.


Thus, in certain respects, your Moon personality is a part of yourself that you find disturbing. It is your inner core, which feels hate and jealousy, broods and is fearful, and has fantasies that you often deny even to yourself. Of course, this is not the complete picture of the Moon’s influence on your personality. It is also your Moon side that can spontaneously feel and express joy and pleasure, the side that reacts to emotional stimuli. It is the part of you that enjoys the little sensualities of life—the perfumed aroma of flowers, the smell of the grass after it rains, the delight of a long, hot shower.


The Moon is inextricably linked to what might be called your reaction.Everyone is a moon and has a dark side That he never shows to anyone. Sybil Leek Email No - to your environment, for the Moon has rulership over the five senses—sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. In astrology, the meaning of the Moon can become very esoteric. The Moon also stands for infancy, childhood, your dreams, memory, and your past. All these words might be summed up as your inner psyche. As the astrologer Landis Knight Green says, “The Moon is the threshold of the subconscious.” Often your Moon personality is expressed in dreams—both the daydreams you brush aside as you go on with your daily responsibilities and the sleeping dreams that haunt your waking hours.


Because the Moon holds dominion over the emotional sphere, it influences your receptivity to others and also how others feel about you. Obviously, therefore, the Moon is an extremely important factor in love relationships. A strong and lasting bond is indicated in a relationship when the woman has her Moon in the same sign in which a man has his Sun. For example, if he is a Scorpio Sun sign and she has her Moon in Scorpio, they have an excellent chance of a long relationship because each will have a deep understanding of the other. Many people ask me, “How can two people who have the same Sun sign be so different from each other?” I usually answer this question by asking another question: “What are the Moon signs of these two people?”


Let’s take a brief look at two well-known Sagittarian entertainers: Woody Allen and Bette Midler. They were born on the same day, December 1—Woody Allen in 1935 and Bette Midler in 1944. In both people we see the strong Sagittarius qualities of humor, independence, frankness, and a candid openness of expression. Woody Allen has a brilliant, funny, barbed wit that appeals to intellectuals. He is an auteur who produces, writes, directs, and stars in his own films made totally outside the studio system. Bette Midler began her career doing over-the-edge comedy routines in the bathhouses of lower Manhattan, playing to mostly homosexual audiences. She has gone on to major stardom in films, stage, and television, as a comedian, singer, and dramatic actress—always playing someone a bit outrageous, wacky, and rule-bending. Both entertainers have had long careers in which they broke free of boundaries and expressed their forward-thinking ideas through a sense of humor.


Let’s look further: Woody Allen has his Moon in Aquarius. He displays the rebellious attitude of the freethinking Aquarius-Moon person who lives life his own way. In his politics, creative work, and private life he is controversial, radical, and progressive. He also exhibits the emotional detachment of an Aquarius Moon. His film roles are not deeply passionate; his characters speak trenchantly about the human condition, but don’t grab the audience’s emotions. Instead, they offer Aquarian intellectual stimulation and tickle the funnybone. AquariusMoon people can coldly break off relationships, and the public has witnessed this in Woody Allen’s ongoing private soap operas with the women in his life.


-Bette Midler has her Moon in Cancer, and in her we see an emotional quality. She communicates great feeling in her work, and her characters exhibit a certain Cancerian vulnerability. She plays lovable, spunky, and endearing women who reach out and care for others (a CancerMoon specialty). As a singer, Bette Midler has recorded hit songs that have a deeply emotional appeal, including “The Wind Beneath My Wings,” a song about being supported by love (a Cancer-Moon theme). In her private life (which in Cancer-Moon fashion she keeps private), she has been 194 • Less Well-Known Influences  

Moon in Aries • Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Aries modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF ARIES MOON You are more energetic, enterprising, optimistic, open to change, idealistic. THE DARK SIDE OF ARIES MOON You are more impulsive, opinionated, domineering, impatient, vain. Aries is an active, fiery sign, but the Moon is cool and passive. This disparity gives great brilliance and sharpness to the senses, but also results in a nervous temperament. If you have the Moon in Aries, you have a high-strung disposition. Your sense-impressions of the world around you are swift and instantaneous, and you never doubt them for a moment. As a result, you tend to be very sure of your opinions and don’t like it when people question or contradict you. Patience is not your long suit. You won’t spend time laboriously wading through details; you prefer to plunge right in and see what happens. In the vibrant sign of Aries, the Moon endows you with charm, vivacity, and a special knack for getting others to do what you want. You are extremely fond of talking (about almost anything) and sound knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects. But you have a short attention span. Although enthusiasm and energy abound, the long, hard necessity of really performing often causes you to fall short of your goal. But you are quick to pick yourself up and move on to something new and exciting, leaving the old project to wither away. However, if you are pursuing a goal you really have your heart set on, you will drive yourself to the limit of your endurance. Where you really excel is on the social scene. You are able both to stimulate and to delight, and no party should be without the wit and sparkle of an Aries Moon. In addition, you are generous when you feel kindly disposed toward someone. You give unselfishly of your time, attention, concern, and even your money. However, a Moon-Arien who feels slighted or unappreciated will sulk and pout and complain about the world’s harsh treatment. On the plus side, you have a great passion for life. A basic optimism underlies your personality, and unless your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), you don’t hold a grudge for long. Your most striking characteristic is a hatred of restriction. You will do what you want without any interference, thank you. Because you resent advice, you rarely are willing to listen to other people’s opinions. This obviously has its drawbacks. But in a situation in which a decision must be made instantly, no one is more decisive and forceful than you. You perform best under pressure and handle emergencies as quickly as a firefighter answering an alarm bell. In emotional relationships you struggle against being tied down or dominated. You have to be the one in control. You demand freedom in a relationship, but this is exactly what you won’t give in return. You insist on being the center of your lover’s attention. You want to be loved passionately, and you want love to be always exciting and romantic. If an affair dwindles into ordinariness, you quickly grow dissatisfied and restless. The sign of Aries symbolically represents a fork in the road, and the lives of Moon-in-Aries people are marked by sudden change. They often reach positions of authority and are successful in the world of business and government. As a Moon-Arien the essence of your emotional life is the love of the chase. You view life as a grand quest, and impulsively pursue love, success and attention from others. The chase, in fact, is far more satisfying than the prize itself. Achieving the prize is never as thrilling as wanting the prize and galvanizing your energy into going after it. No matter what your Sun sign may be, an Aries Moon confers a quality of self-confidence and an adventurous spirit that runs through your personality. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), an Aries Moon underlines your impulsiveness and enhances your magnetic ability to sway others; you have great dash and energy. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), an Aries Moon bestows a shrewd intellect and persuasive powers of expression. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), an Aries Moon accentuates your leadership ability and lends your personality a certain positiveness and advanced outlook. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), an Aries Moon emphasizes imagination and intensity; you have an increased ability to create striking original work. Whatever your Sun sign, an Aries Moon confers quickness of mind, an outspoken nature, and an inability to live under other people’s strictures.

Moon in Taurus• Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Taurus modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF TAURUS MOON You are more trustworthy, determined, warm, affectionate, artistic. THE DARK SIDE OF TAURUS MOON You are more obstinate, possessive, rigid, overcautious, a slave to routine. The Moon is at its best in Taurus (in astrological terminology, the Moon is exalted in this sign). The stable sign of Taurus steadies and strengthens the Moon’s otherwise changeable, erratic influence. The Moon in this position gives you great powers of concentration. You live your life the way you tackle a job: systematically and getting it done right. Whereas others complicate their lives, when you’re confronted with a problem you look for the most effective way to deal with it, and even if it’s personally painful for you, you get it handled. The sign of Taurus also brings out the quiet, reflective qualities of the Moon: you carefully ponder the senseimpressions you receive from the world around you before you reach a conclusion. With a Moon in Taurus you do not form opinions quickly and are quite the opposite of impressionable. It takes a while for you to come to a decision—you must be sure of all the facts—but when you do there is no way to make you change your mind. One can’t change a Moon-Arien’s mind either, but the difference here is that Aries Moon quickly reaches its decision. With a Taurus Moon you take your time assimilating information. Once you have done that, you will purposefully, relentlessly, and unchangeably follow your course. Taurus is the astrological sign of earthly possessions, and a Moon in Taurus indicates a person who is resourceful, someone who gathers material things. As a Moon-inTaurus person, you are also blessed in that you seem to have the least emotional problems of any Moon sign. This may be because Taurus is practical and positive in its outlook, as well as methodical, patient, and responsible. Small wonder that history is dotted with the achievements of lunar Taureans. A few among many are William Shakespeare, Karl Marx, and John Milton. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of romance and the arts, and a Moon in this beauty-loving sign endows you with a keen artistic sense. You are romantic, have elegant manners, and usually display a distinctive style of dressing. The Moon is a sensual influence and in Taurus indicates a great love of creature comforts. You enjoy serene surroundings, the pleasures of a luxurious home, the joys of good dining. Although socially adept, you dislike big parties and large, noisy groups. Your idea of a wonderful evening is a small, candlelit dinner party at home with four close friends. In love, lunar Taureans are the one-man/one-woman type, and are happiest in a close, committed union. Some times it may seem otherwise (especially if the Sun is in a flirtatious or highly sexed sign), but at heart Taurus-Moon wants the comfort of a committed relationship. Your security is heightened by sharing your home and pleasures with the person you love and who, in turn, is devoted to you. You look for a true soulmate, and when you find him or her you happily and faithfully settle down. The other side of the coin is that a Moon-Taurean has a tendency to stay too long in an unhappy love affair or marriage. Because of your need for security and resistance to change, you shut yourself off from new experiences and settle for what you have. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Taurus-Moon qualities of patience and determination run through your character. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), your remarkable endurance is underlined by the stability and persistence of a Taurus Moon; this is an excellent combination to achieve success and material wealth. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), a Taurus Moon heightens your personal magnetism and gives strength and perseverance to your creative imagination. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Taurus Moon gives you firm resolve and inclines your intellectual powers toward practical, moneymaking pursuits. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Taurus Moon adds to your physical strength and your fiery exuberance, and gives your personality great force and the ability to win popularity with the public. Whatever your Sun sign, a Taurus Moon gives you endurance, a conservative outlook, and a sensitive, sensual personality that needs love and security.

Moon in Gemini • Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Gemini modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF GEMINI MOON You are more versatile, witty, charming, lively, amusing. THE DARK SIDE OF GEMINI MOON You are more disorganized, inconsistent, superficial, cunning, manipulative. I n the lively, restless sign of Gemini the Moon’s sway becomes more mutable and erratic. This does not make all Moon-in-Gemini children flighty, frivolous, and frenetic, but almost always indicates an active mind, an imaginative and creative personality, and someone who is inclined toward intellectual pursuits. If you have a Moon in this position you are extraordinarily quick to receive sensory impressions from the outside world. You rapidly sift through information and make your judgments. Because Gemini is a mental sign, your snap decisions tend to be more intellectual than emotional. It is not that you are unfeeling, simply that your immediate reaction to stimuli is on a mental plane. You are a fast learner, probably have a high IQ, and are an excellent critic, for you have an ability both to analyze and to verbalize. A Moon in the communicative sign of Gemini inclines you toward loquaciousness and endows you with great personal charm. You have enchanting vivacity that draws others to you. Conversations with you tend to run off on unexpected tangents and take sudden turns and reverses. At heart, a lunar Gemini is essentially restless and needs constant stimulation. If forced to be indoors or solitary or inactive, you are unhappy and should try to set aside a part of the day to get out and be among people. A Moon in Gemini makes you extremely impressionable to the changing scene around you. Skill in speaking and writing predisposes many lunar Geminis to become writers, teachers, and journalists. John Keats, Rudyard Kipling, Jack London, and George Bernard Shaw are only a few famous Moon-Geminis of the past. As a Moon-in-Gemini person you are always mentally assessing what you are feeling. You tend to dissect your feelings and emotions to analyze why you think this way or behave that way. The most famous lunar Gemini who possessed this quality is Sigmund Freud. Freud also had his Sun in Taurus and Scorpio Rising, giving him extraordinary tenacity and depth of insight. You are quick-witted and vibrant, and when you come across a new fact or a different way of looking at something, you are likely to undergo a change of mind. One can’t count on your firm convictions, but your openness to life makes you a fascinating companion. In emotional relationships lunar Geminis display a certain free spirit. Here is where you are most intensely restless. You resent being subject to the whims and vagaries of other people’s emotions, and struggle to retain independence. At the same time, you search for the “perfect” love, which of course does not exist. If your would-be lover is elusive or hard to figure out, this especially piques your interest. The Moon-in-Gemini personality is high-strung. You have a streak of discontent that sometimes shows up as irritability and snappishness. On the other hand, you are amusing, witty, and have a wonderful sense of humor. When you are in the right mood you are a delight to be with. At times your talent can be stymied by the fact that you lose interest in things so quickly and drop what you so eagerly began. You thrive on travel, change, and meeting different kinds of personalities. In business, your best qualities are versatility and a winning way with people. You perform very well when linked in partnership with someone practical and hardheaded. Having to make a final decision is torture for you; you need a strong, decisive partner. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the GeminiMoon qualities of versatility and intellectualism can be discerned in your personality. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), your keen intelligence is accentuated by a Gemini Moon and you have a superb gift of self-expression. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), your emotional nature is sharpened by the Gemini-Moon mental acumen; you have strong creative instincts and a talent for research. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), a Gemini Moon gives you quickness of mind that you can use in a practical way in combination with your Sun sign persistency. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Gemini Moon bestows high mentality that combined with your passion and adventurism indicates superior leadership ability. Whatever your Sun sign, a Moon in Gemini imparts a witty intellect, an independent spirit, and an imaginative sparkle to your personality.  

Moon in Cancer• Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Cancer modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF CANCER MOON You are more imaginative, sympathetic, protective, tenacious, loyal. THE DARK SIDE OF CANCER MOON You are more possessive, moody, critical, self-pitying, a nag. The Moon is in its natural home in Cancer, for this is the sign that the Moon rules. Here the best qualities of the Moon—devotion, patience, sensitivity—are brought out. The romantic, intuitive sign of Cancer and the sensuous, receptive Moon are in harmony with each other. If you have the Moon in Cancer you have strong emotions and perceive the world around you through your feelings rather than your intellect. However, because you do not openly show your feelings, it is sometimes difficult for others to figure out where they stand with you. In general, you are more receptive than active. You store away impressions, reactions, and information until the time comes when you can use them. Lunar Cancerians often excel in an artistic or literary way. Jean-Paul Sartre, Lord Byron, and Ethel Barrymore are famous and typical Moon-Cancerians. Imaginative and creative, you work best when you set your own pace and are not subject to the tyranny of time clocks. Any impression that sinks into your mind makes an indelible mark. You have an extremely retentive memory. Lunar Cancerians are often found in professions where memory plays an important role: historians, teachers, actors, writers. Famous Moon-Cancerians in these walks of life are Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Benjamin Spock, Humphrey Bogart, and Harrison Ford. At heart, you are refined, delicate, and gentle. You may appear to be aggressive and forceful, especially if your Sun or Mars is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), but underneath you are vulnerable and easily hurt. You tend to let your feelings fester, and indeed, touchiness, moodiness, and a kind of quiet self-pity always lie near the surface. Though you are subject to greater mood swings than other Moon signs, your ups and downs don’t last long. If you are left alone for a while, the dark clouds will soon blow away. One of the most striking characteristics of Cancer is the continual ebb and flow of emotions, which combined with the waxing and waning influence of the Moon produces quick shifts in temperament and at times makes you emotionally exhausted. You are at your best in a deep and committed love relationship. Unfortunately, you often have to go through an unhappy love affair before you find the contentment and security you seek. Even though you are motivated strongly by your feelings, in a curious way you are also afraid of them. It is your nature to mistrust love, to feel you are somehow unworthy of someone else’s devotion. You will hold on too long to a relationship that’s destructive because deep in your psyche you don’t believe you’ll ever find another love. You also believe that to be alone is a fate worse than death. Very often early in life a Moon-in Cancer person must go through an emotional trial. But when at last you find love that feeds your soul and you feel secure, your personality blossoms. You have a tendency to hold on possessively to a loved one, and a knack for subtly instilling guilt in someone you love, usually to test the person’s depth of feeling. However, among your most endearing traits are intense loyalty and dedication. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Cancer-Moon qualities of creativity and emotionalism will be evident in your personality. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), your intensity and depth of feeling are accentuated by a Cancer Moon; you have superb intuition and almost hypnotic power in creative work. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), you have unshakable loyalty and strong passions under the influence of a Cancer Moon; this combination gives you an ability to capture the imagination of the public. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Cancer Moon gives your intellectualism a magnetic, daring quality; you have the ability to touch other people’s feelings. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Cancer Moon directs your enthusiasm and energy into creative channels; you have a flair for drama and the theater. Whatever your Sun sign, a Moon in Cancer gives you sensitivity and imagination, enormous personal charisma, and a warmhearted, romantic nature.

Moon in Leo • Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Leo modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LEO MOON You are more exuberant, creative, broad-minded, colorful, fun-loving. THE DARK SIDE OF LEO MOON You are more self-indulgent, self-centered, conceited, overbearing, bullying. I n the magnetic, flamboyant sign of Leo the Moon’s power is positive and robust, and even its dark side is less dark than in other signs. Leo is a wonderful placement for the Moon because it gives great warmth and stability to the Moon’s influence; it also imparts an idealistic quality. If you have the Moon in Leo you have strong emotions and can be reached through your heart rather than your head. You are a quick and accurate learner when your feelings are involved. But if a subject does not arouse your affections, you have no interest in exploring it further. The sensory impressions you receive from the world around you come to you on an emotional level. In order to make you change your mind, someone first has to change how you feel. One of your most striking characteristics is a refusal to be hampered by other people’s rules. You tend to be extremely intelligent and are hospitable to new ideas, but you have little sympathy for petty or narrow thinking. You like to be the center of attention and enjoy taking on public roles. You are highly expressive, and are especially drawn to the world of theater, music, painting, and the arts. In a way, it might be said that you, like all lunar Leos, have a “show biz” personality. You possess a wonderful sense of humor and great personal charm, which makes you fun to be with. There is a sense of excitement about you. If nothing is happening that is interesting or amusing, you’ll try to create it. Sincere, open, very sociable, you have a way of lifting the spirits of people around you. Moon-in-Leo people work very well in group enterprises because they have a talent for inspiring people to do their best. Your immediate reaction to a problem is to confront it rather than sit around moping about it. A natural leader, you often feel you have a mission in life. Sometimes you may become bossy and overbearing—you are an order-giver rather than an order-taker—but at heart you are so cheerful and enthusiastic that people find it easy to forgive you. You have a fund of optimism and energy that others draw upon. Vanity is a chief weakness; you are a sucker for anyone who can deliver an artful compliment. You always need an audience and are inordinately fond of attention. It must also be said that you will probably get more than your share of attention because the Moon in Leo imparts a lovable quality to your personality. You are drawn to the luxuries of life—good food, fine wines, striking clothes. You are an excellent host or hostess who delights in giving glittering parties. Unless Taurus or Capricorn is prominent in the horoscope, a Moon-Leo will always pick up the check. Fortunately, you usually are able to pay for your extravagant tastes. In love, you are a great romantic, yet your flamboyant romanticism would never be sparked by someone who won’t make you look good. You need a partner who sets you off to best advantage and keeps up your image to the world. Your tendency is to put the object of your affection on a pedestal, to credit a lover with superlative virtues that may have no basis in reality. When a lover does not live up to your expectations you are disappointed—not only because you take love seriously but because your lover always becomes an extension of yourself, and his or her failure to be wonderful is very wounding to your pride and ego. Also, though you are jealous and possessive toward your loved ones, you yourself are flirtatious and a bit of a rover because you need everyone to admire you. You are an attention addict. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Leo-Moon qualities of warmth, vitality, and charisma will appear in your personality. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Leo Moon accentuates your creativity and leadership abilities. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Leo Moon lends a dynamic, compelling quality to your people-oriented personality. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), a Leo Moon gives you an even stronger passionate nature and good moneymaking skills. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), a Leo Moon heightens your already powerful emotional impact on others. Whatever your Sun sign, a Moon in Leo gives you dignity, an affectionate, outgoing nature, and an instinct for leadership.

Moon in Virgo • Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Virgo modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF VIRGO MOON You are more intellectual, meticulous, industrious, steadfast, responsible. THE DARK SIDE OF VIRGO MOON You are more critical, high-strung, standoffish, argumentative, hypochrondriac. The sign of Virgo stabilizes the shifting effect of the Moon. Virgo is the sign of intelligence and practicality, which gives a sharp analytical bent to the Moon’s in- fluence. If you have the Moon in Virgo you have a fine, discriminating mind. You do not pursue knowledge merely for the sake of learning; you figure out how to use what you learn. Your immediate reaction to the sense-impressions you receive from the world around you is to analyze what you have just seen and heard. You are meticulous in sifting through information and you tend to question whatever is told to you. Moon-Virgos are sometimes so skeptical they don’t even believe in what they see with their own eyes. You love to discuss ideas and probe into opinions held by others, though you yourself hold fast to preconceived notions. You are not so stubborn, though, that you will hold on to a theory once the facts prove you wrong. You are a seeker of truth, and you believe truth is what is left after falsehoods have been exposed. No one would call you a Pollyanna or the kind who looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. It’s not that you are dour or pessimistic, it’s just that you deal with life as it is. This practical realism makes you good at business and at handling money. Your eye is on the long-term profit rather than immediate gain, and you are concerned with security and providing for your old age. As a Moon-in-Virgo person you bring an extra touch of perfectionism and professionalism to everything you do. Methodical in your approach to problems, you figure out exactly what needs to be done and then tackle the issue a step at a time. But you have a tendency to worry, to fret over the things that might go wrong and try to cover all contingencies. You think that too much good work is ruined by the lack of just a little more effort, so you don’t spare yourself and are often fussy and critical with others. Logic is the discipline you live by, and you find it frustrating to deal with minds that are illogical or scatterbrained. You think such people belong in Disneyland, not in the real world. Discriminating in the people you choose for friends, you are also selective about the cultural activities you take part in. There is a certain judgmental quality that you bring to almost any situation. No experience washes over you aimlessly; you always learn a lesson from it. Moon-in-Virgo women are sometimes thought of as unfeminine because they are usually so efficient, thorough, and well organized—qualities that most people don’t associate with the word “feminine.” Both male and female of this Moon sign are reserved and shrink from sentimentality or gushiness, and therefore are often perceived as cold. In truth, the less developed types who pick other people apart and exhibit a stingy pettiness are cold. Generally, however, Virgo-Moon people are caring and giving in practical ways; one can count on them. Virgo is the sign of service, and lunar Virgos want to be useful to others. In matters of love Virgo-Moon people don’t have a lot of self-confidence. One might think that the ideal mate for you would be someone intelligent, logical, nice looking, and neat, but how many can marry a clone? Actually, you are attracted to people who are quite unlike you—more emotional and effusive, less calculating, more readily able to express their feelings. In love relationships, Virgo-Moon people take on the role of a critical but caring parent. Unconsciously, lunar Virgos are afraid of anger and feeling vulnerable, and tend to live in the illusion that their love lives are calm, stable, and under control. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Virgo-Moon qualities of caution and seriousness show up in your personality. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), practicality and industriousness are even more pronounced; you are also very money-conscious. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Virgo Moon brings strength and endurance to support your expansive creativity; this is an excellent combination for politicians and people in the theater. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Virgo Moon contributes an even sharper intelligence and a flair for original work. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Virgo Moon lends greater dimension to your emotional nature, for you are blessed with a rare combination of psychic truth and hardheaded realism. Whatever your Sun sign, a Moon in Virgo gives you keen mental powers, a strong vein of common sense, and an intelligent, thoughtful approach to life.

Moon in Libra• Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Libra modifies your sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIBRA MOON You are more adaptable, creative, charming, good-natured, diplomatic. THE DARK SIDE OF LIBRA MOON You are more indecisive, self-indulgent, dependent, frivolous, changeable. Libra is the sign of esthetic perceptions, and here the Moon’s romantic, glamorous influence is accentuated. If you have the Moon in Libra you have a keen appreciation for beauty and art, and an artistic eye unmatched by any other Moon sign. You also have a heightened awareness of your environment and of other people. However, what you truly value are those experiences that make life more beautiful and pleasing. You abhor coarseness, vulgarity, or strife. Your immediate reaction to anything unpleasant is to deny it, or, if that is impossible, at least to put it in its best possible light. You try to surround yourself with comfort and lovely objets in a tranquil and luxurious environment. If it were possible, you would live forever in a flower-filled room with soft music playing in the background. Because you enjoy beautiful things, you are happy to spend your (and sometimes other people’s) money on possessions that catch your fancy. You are the kind who will walk into a shop and instantly spot the perfect thing to go with what you have in a closet at home. The presentation and ritual surrounding a thing is as important to you as the thing itself. A meal served on fine china and crystal with embroidered linens, flowers, and candles on the table is as important as the taste of the food itself. The Moon in the balanced sign of Libra endows you with an open, independent mind that tries to evaluate the world dispassionately and rationally. A Moon in Libra also confers great personal charm and enhances the ability to get along with people. You are marvelous at understanding the other person’s point of view (though you never lose sight of your own self-interest). For the most part you are pleasing and easy to live with and have a genial disposition. Libra is the astrological sign of partnership, and as a Moon native you function well in that relationship. Very often your destiny is tied up with a strong and influential person with whom you form a connection early in life. To a large extent, what you accomplish depends on other people. Essentially you love with your head rather than your heart. There is something a bit calculated about your carefully balanced emotional nature. To become your lover, a person has to possess certain qualities, such as good looks and elegant social manners. It is not that you are unemotional, but love is more an esthetic pleasure than steamy passion. You try to create something beautiful—fanciful if need be—from every intimacy. You may go through a number of affairs and marriages before you finally settle down with someone with whom you are mentally compatible (more necessary to you than sexual compatibility). When you are in a contented marriage, it is a source of great satisfaction to you because it answers your need for security and reassurance, and you truly enjoy sharing. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the LibraMoon qualities of refinement and grace can be traced in your character. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Libra Moon accentuates your keen mentality and gives you an unsurpassed ability to win favor with other people. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Libra Moon endows your strength of purpose with a creative bent; this is a winning combination for entrepreneurs and those dealing with the public. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Libra Moon underlines the intuitive, imaginative side of your personality and gives a strong, balanced intellectual approach. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Libra Moon heightens your magnetism and flair, and aids your ability to put original ideas into successful action. Whatever your Sun sign, a Moon in Libra gives you a polished, charming manner with people, an instinct for fairness, and artistic vision.

Moon in Scorpio • Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Scorpio modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF SCORPIO MOON You are more imaginative, determined, ambitious, emotional, idealistic. THE DARK SIDE OF SCORPIO MOON You are more obstinate, secretive, jealous, resentful, domineering. S corpio is the astrological sign of death and regeneration, also of extremes of emotion. The effect of Scorpio is to underline the Moon’s sensuous power and at the same time bring out its forcefulness. If you have the Moon in Scorpio you have a spiritual nature and intense feelings that motivate your actions. You are very clever at hiding your true feelings. A Moon in Scorpio is one of the more difficult lunar positions. Though you are driven by strong passions you tend to deny that they are your motivation. You often disapprove of your emotions (for example, your anger or jealousy), and therefore keep your reactions hidden under a calm, agreeable surface. You can exercise great self-control. If an experience becomes painful, you cut yourself off from your feelings (in effect, kill your pain) rather than continue to suffer. You particularly dread any form of rejection. Your ability to deaden feelings allows you to feel in control, but it is also the path to slow destruction of the spirit. In Scorpio, the lesson of finding your Moon’s true potential for wisdom and self-mastery is often difficult. Basically, you must learn to let go emotionally and feel your pain, and through the experience expand your phenomenal ability to love. A Moon-in-Scorpio person possesses enormous willpower and acute powers of observation. Your judgments are shrewd and accurate. You are blessed (and/or cursed) with a phenomenal memory. This is usually a great aid to you in your work, but it causes you to brood over an emotional wound or injury. Some Scorpio-Moon types will never forget and will wait years to get revenge. This does not necessarily mean that you are cruel and vengeful, but at any time in life you can instantly recall a slight to your pride—remember exactly what the other person said and how bitter you felt at the time. Your persistence and determination enable you to rise above obstacles, and this Moon position unfortunately has more obstacles than others. There is usually a secret sorrow or trouble in the lives of Moon-Scorpios that very often concerns family problems or health. This lunar position creates a need for escape into fantasy, although higher Scorpio-Moon types use the spiritualism that is so much a part of this sign to do work that benefits humanity. Though passion is always a factor with you, your sexuEmail No - Moon Signs • 211 ality can be sublimated in other areas, such as creative work or a career that demands self-sacrifice. Work is important to you, for it is through work and effort that you are best able to express yourself. You have high standards, and pride of craftsmanship is visible in all your endeavors. You tend to be ambitious and are endowed with executive ability. This is especially true if your Sun or Ascendant is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Without even being aware of it you possess a sensuality that attracts the opposite sex. This is often a source of difficulty in your love life, and many lunar Scorpios marry more than once. A fear of being controlled is at the core of your relationship issues. For you to be in a position of emotional vulnerability puts you in a classic Scorpio deathlike situation, for to be unsafe means you are at the mercy of another person. It is almost impossible for you to put complete trust in someone else, and it takes a long time for you to commit yourself fully. The secret is your great need for emotional security and, in a sense, there is no security that is secure enough. However, once you feel unthreatened, you are capable of deep love. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the ScorpioMoon qualities of persistence and intensity run through your personality. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), a Scorpio Moon confers energy and creativity, a true gift for turning a dream into reality once you set your mind to it. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), a Scorpio Moon accentuates your managerial talents and capacity for authority and leadership. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Scorpio Moon bestows deep mental powers and an ability to captivate the public. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Scorpio Moon emphasizes your compelling personality, your vitality and drive for success. Whatever your Sun sign, a Moon in Scorpio gives you a strong inner core of self-reliance, an arresting sensuality, and a magnetic flair for influencing others.

Moon in Sagittarius • Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Sagittarius modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF SAGITTARIUS MOON You are more adventurous, optimistic, exuberant, open-minded, sincere. THE DARK SIDE OF SAGITTARIUS MOON You are more restless, extravagant, irresponsible, careless, uncommitted. I n Sagittarius, the Moon takes on a sparkle and brightness that it does not have in other signs. Sagittarius is the astrological sign of higher learning and breadth of vision. Here the Moon’s influence loses its passivity. If you have the Moon in Sagittarius you are noted for your quick, sharp mind, extraordinary insights, and an ability to get things done in a flash. Your clear-thinking intelligence sifts through sensory impressions swiftly and with startling lucidity. You are the kind of person who envisions great goals and then, undaunted by possible failure, sets about achieving them. You rarely listen to advice about pitfalls and drawbacks, nor do you wait to find out if a plan is impractical or unworkable. With energy and enthusiasm you rush in and usually accomplish what you set out to do. One reason for your success is your keen judgment. With a Moon in this sign of lofty vision, you have a way of seeing farther than people with the Moon in other signs. As a Moon-Sagittarian you are fond of open spaces, travel, new people, different surroundings. Among your most winning traits is adaptability—to different kinds of personalities and to foreign and strange places. Your immediate reaction to a new experience is to explore and learn more. To you a chance to expand your horizons is always welcome, and you are not exclusively interested in making a profit. Money, in fact, does not stay long in your pocket or checking account. You feel that the whole purpose of money is to buy pleasure. You want to enjoy life. At times you can be quite careless and reckless. Since you believe in your luck, you tend to abandon yourself to whatever fate has in store. You operate on the theory of optimistic fatalism. The danger is that you may push your luck too far. However, a setback does not keep you down for long. With renewed high spirits and a fresh outlook, you hitch up your wagon once more to the stars. Because of your charm and geniality, you have a knack for making friends. You also have a witty way with words and a buoyant sense of humor. Your social gaiety sweeps others along on a tidal wave of goodwill. One of your most endearing qualities is your ability to perceive the best in people. When you criticize, you do so with such openness and candor that it is comparatively easy to take.  Unlike the other fire Moons (Moon-Aries and MoonLeo), Moon-Sagittarians are not highly sexed and passionate. You look on love more as an adventure. You enjoy the thrill of discovery, the stimulating high of being in love, but you are unwilling to immerse yourself in deep emotional intensity. After a while your lovers may complain of your detachment or unreachableness. A perfect soulmate for you is someone who looks more outward than inward, and in time your love affairs become more like friendships. You are also noted for a roving eye and a refusal to be tied down to one person or one place. You need a lot of personal space and independence. This does not necessarily make you a bad marriage partner—you are a marvelous companion—it is just that you do have a certain lightheartedness about love and fidelity. Life to you means change and variety, and this attitude has a way of also applying to love. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the SagittariusMoon qualities of optimism and expansion express themselves in your personality. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Sagittarius Moon accentuates your self-confidence, adventurous nature, and appetite for experience. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Sagittarius Moon lends you vitality, enthusiasm, a keen intellect, and a talent for salesmanship. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), you combine commonsense practicality with a lofty, creative outlook; this is an excellent position for people in politics and law. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), your emotional, imaginative personality is galvanized by the energy and philosophical vision of a Sagittarius Moon; this is a successful combination for writers and artists. Whatever your Sun sign, a Sagittarius Moon gives you a love for learning, humanitarian instincts, and a gift for being an independent thinker

Moon in Capricorn• Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Capricorn modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF CAPRICORN MOON You are more determined, responsible, disciplined, patient, committed. THE DARK SIDE OF CAPRICORN MOON You are more rigid, pessimistic, opinionated, materialistic, overexacting. Capricorn has both a stabilizing and restrictive effect on the shifting influence of the Moon. The Moon represents the emotional, sympathetic side of a personality whereas Capricorn is an unemotional and undemonstrative sign. People with the Moon in this position have to overcome obstacles and complexities within their own natures to find the happiness they constantly seek. If you have the Moon in Capricorn you have an alert mind and are very eager to learn. However, you are not interested in vague theory; you want to put your knowledge to use. An example of this talent for practical application is Thomas Edison, a Moon-Capricorn whose Sun was in Aquarius. In Edison we see the inventive, far-reaching vision of the Aquarian truth-seeker, but the focus of his work was to make his experiments useful, to put them into everyday utilization. His inventions of the telegraph, phonograph, electric light, and moving picture changed the way we live. Another example of a Capricorn-Moon is Gene Kelly, whose Sun was on the Leo-Virgo cusp. In his life we saw the creativity and exuberance of Leo, the hard work ethic of Virgo; his Capricorn Moon was evident in how he took his knowledge of dancing and applied it in a practical way to film choreography. In the process he introduced an entirely new genre of musical comedy and changed the very way such movies were filmed. If you have a Moon in Capricorn you are organized, ambitious, and usually a prodigious worker. Self-sufficient and a bit solitary, you are haunted by a feeling of responsibility, of a task you must fulfill. You are a determined person but your singlemindedness can sometimes turn into obsession. You pin your hopes on one idea, turn all your energies in one direction; if you fail you may suffer serious depression. Of course, because of their unshakable commitment, most lunar Capricorns succeed and often make an imprint on the world. Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln all had their Moon in Capricorn. Lunar Capricorns who have their Sun or Ascendant in one of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) have particularly auspicious auguries for leadership. Money is important to you, not so much for what it can buy as for the status it bestows in the world of business, politics, finance, and high society where you wish to shine. You have charming social manners and an instinct for getting to know the right people. Unknown to all but your closest intimates, you suffer from feelings of insecurity and loneliness. Often you conceal this with a dry sense of humor. Your secret terror is of being abandoned or having someone you love cease to love you. You find it hard to reveal your deepest feelings and therefore may be perceived as being cold or calculating. For many lunar Capricorns, authority and power are a compensation for the difficulties they encounter in emotional areas. Lunar Capricorns tend not to find true love in youth. Cautious and reserved, you tend to turn your feelings inward, and you need a lot of emotional reassurance before you allow them to be drawn out. You also have difficulty putting your complete trust in someone else. But at some point, usually when you are past thirty, you find the person you can become totally involved with, and then your love is durable. When you feel secure within an emotional relationship your commitment may last your entire lifetime. You are loyal and steadfast, generous and giving. In fact, you often give more than you get back. This is especially true about the relationships of female lunar Capricorns to their lovers and friends. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the Capricorn Moon qualities of steadfastness and dedication manifest themselves in your personality. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), a Capricorn Moon underlines your executive talent and ability to achieve great rewards; you have hidden depths to your character. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), a Capricorn Moon lends force and dynamism to your creativity; this is an excellent position for attracting wealth and fame. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Capricorn Moon brings strength and intensity to your resourcefulness and encourages far-ranging interests; this is a good combination for people in communications, television, and publishing. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Capricorn Moon confers a special gift for authority and self-reliance; you have a mesmerizing personality. Whatever your Sun sign, a Capricorn Moon gives you persistence, an ambitious and powerful personality, and an instinct for excellence.

Moon in Aquarius 216 • Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Aquarius modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF AQUARIUS MOON You are more idealistic, creative, tolerant, a humanitarian with a progressive outlook. THE DARK SIDE OF AQUARIUS MOON You are more unpredictable, contrary, aloof, fixed in opinion, tactless. Aquarius is a most favorable sign for the Moon to be in, for here the Moon’s influence confers admirable qualities of sensitivity and perception. Aquarius is the astrological sign of rational thinking and humanitarianism; in this sign the Moon’s effect is to bestow clear logic with altruistic concerns. If you have the Moon in Aquarius you are rational, intuitive, and imaginative. Your senses are well balanced and accurate. Your immediate reaction to impressions you receive from the outside world is to deal with them in a scientific, open-minded way and at the same time try to understand them from the human point of view. There are no extremes of temperament in this lunar position. You are neither too emotional nor too cerebral; you are visionary but not eccentric. A Moon-Aquarian has a wonderful gift for expression. You crackle with vitality, are a witty conversationalist, and make a delightful companion. Your friendliness charms all types of people—indeed, you’re people-oriented, sociable, and outgoing, interested in other people’s problems. However, unlike Moon water signs (Moon-Cancer, Moon-Scorpio, Moon-Pisces), you never become so emotionally involved that it changes your own life. There is a balance that runs through your relationships. The passions of Aquarius-Moon people are passions of the mind. You are interested in ideas, philosophy, higher learning. You enjoy science and mathematics, as well as art, music, literature. Again, I repeat, you are not a person of extremes. You are well-rounded intellectually, for you have a wide range of interests in many different fields and associate with a large number of varied people. Aquarius is the sign of future knowledge, and as a Moon-native you are interested in the unknown and what lies ahead. Many lunar Aquarians seem to be clairvoyant, to see things before they happen. On the other hand, you are not especially practical or down to earth. It can be said that you have a wide outlook but short sight. You tend to see things in terms of large concepts, but when it comes to the hard work and sweaty toil of turning a concept into a reality, you are likely to drift off in search of a new idea. Moon-Aquarians are often known as giants in promise and pygmies in performance. The unusual—in people, in places, and in projects—is what interests you most. In love, lunar Aquarians have a butterfly quality— alighting for a while to sample an experience, flitting off to find something new. You are inclined to be somewhat ambivalent about love affairs. While you have a strong romanEmail No - Moon Signs • 217 tic streak, you also have a horror of being suffocated by another person’s demands. You cannot bear possessive, jealous lovers, and you’re often drawn to emotionally unavailable types. Unconsciously, you choose people who shun you; the less interested someone is in you, the more interested you become. In your early years you spend a lot of time trying to figure out what you want as opposed to what you think you want, swinging back and forth between romantic longing and feeling totally detached. You seek a fine balance between commitment and independence, and many Aquarius-Moon people go through a number of unsatisfactory amours. When you do marry (often in later years), the relationship quickly becomes as much friend-and-companion as husband-and-wife. To you, the most important glue in a relationship is communication. In general, male lunar-Aquarians have a somewhat easier time emotionally than female Moon-Aquarians, apparently because it is still more socially acceptable for males to be intellectual and emotionally detached. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the AquariusMoon qualities of intelligence and individualism run through your personality. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), an Aquarius Moon emphasizes your superior mental gifts and ability to deal successfully with different kinds of personalities; this is a successful combination for people in the field of communication. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), an Aquarius Moon lends imagination and the common touch to your dynamic, exuberant forcefulness; this is a wonderful combination for people in public life. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), an Aquarius Moon adds to your practicality a gift for innovation and original work; this placement is excellent for performing artists. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), an Aquarius Moon accentuates your imaginative, clairvoyant qualities; you have a unique talent for self-expression. Whatever your Sun sign, an Aquarius Moon gives you an independent, stimulating mind, a persuasive charm with people, and a side to your personality that is always titillated by the unconventional.

Moon in Pisces• Less Well-Known Influences A Moon in Pisces modifies your Sun sign in this way: THE BRIGHT SIDE OF PISCES MOON You are more compassionate, sensitive, loving, creative, loyal. THE DARK SIDE OF PISCES MOON You are more indecisive, discontented, vague, secretive, easily confused. Pisces and the Moon have a natural affinity; Pisces is the sign of depths of emotion, and the Moon represents your instinctive emotional reactions and sometimes your hidden dreams. Pisces is also the astrological sign of sorrow and self-undoing. If you have the Moon in Pisces you have deep feelings and an innate understanding of the human condition. A peculiar danger for anyone with this Moon position is that the impressions received from the outside world will not accurately reflect the world as it is. Instead, they are filtered through an intense romanticism. Your instant reaction to stimuli is to interpret things as you would like them to be rather than as they are. You wear the realitydistorting glasses of the incurable optimist, the dreamer, the poet. Your romantic emotionalism is not always apparent on the surface, for you try to keep this part of your nature well hidden. However, even the most pragmatic person with a Moon in Pisces feels the need to escape into a world of private imagination. As a Moon-in-Pisces person you are artistic and have a keen love for beauty and the arts. Many Moon-Pisceans have a flair for acting, writing, composing, or painting. Gifted with vision and imagination, you express yourself well in creative areas. It is through the senses and emotions rather than the intellect that you perceive things. You are extraordinarily intuitive and sometimes are gifted with psychic vision; you seem able to strip away the veil that separates the real world from the spiritual world, and to know things that others cannot comprehend. In the real world, unfortunately, you do not always have an easy time. You tend to let your emotions get the better of you. Though you seem confident and completely in charge (especially if your Sun is in a fire sign [Aries, Leo, Sagittarius]), you have a weakness for letting those with strong wills and definite opinions lead you onto unsuitable paths. Although you can work tirelessly and unselfishly for others, you find it hard to be strict and disciplined with yourself. Having to make final decisions causes you con- flict and anxiety. There is a strong tendency to escape harsh realities and obligations. Sometimes you are perceived as gullible, but it is only your emotional nature that makes you appear that way. You are easy prey for unprincipled types who play on your tender feelings. It is an axiom in astrology that Moon-Pisceans are born under a special  vibration that impels them to befriend humanity. Indeed, it is through helping others that you liberate yourself. In love, as in the rest of your life, you prefer the illusion to the reality. It is the wild passion, the feeling of being swept away, that you desire. Your most favorite lifemoments are when you feel the euphoria of love enveloping your entire being. You are a romance addict, and many Moon-Pisceans who drift from affair to affair keep wanting to experience the fabled glow of love as a form of psychological escapism. You are a romantic who will do everything you can to make a mate happy. It is your nature to do this, even if you do not get an equivalent return from the other person. At the same time, you feel vulnerable and dependent and build up an elaborate array of defenses to avoid being hurt. However, once you get past playing the role of the victim, you are able to sustain a truly joyful relationship of honesty and depth. No matter what your Sun sign may be, the PiscesMoon qualities of creative imagination and sensitivity affect your personality. If your Sun is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), a Pisces Moon accentuates your intuitive nature and spirituality, and confers unique artistic talent. If your Sun is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), you combine strength of purpose with the Piscean-Moon perceptiveness and idealism—an excellent placement for those in politics and humanitarian work. If your Sun is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), a Pisces Moon combines with your keen powers of communication to endow you with clairvoyant ability and a gift for touching the emotions of others. If your Sun is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), a Pisces Moon gives your dynamic energy more depth and profundity; people with this placement have a hypnotic effect on the public. Whatever your Sun sign, a Pisces Moon gives you a sympathetic heart, an artistic temperament, and a great capacity for doing work that will make a lasting impres

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